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Knowledge Management in the Era of the COVID-19 Crisis

Executives should look at three-step processes of knowledge accumulation, integration, and reconfiguration. This model for managing knowledge reflects a more strategic and practical perspective, as it is process-oriented and most applicable for leading organizations.

Why Let Others Disrupt You? Take the Smart Self-Disruption Journey!

In a time when uncertainty reigns, the fear of being disrupted can brutally hurt any business. Responsible leaders who dare to anticipate disruption and take steps to self-inflict it to their organization in a smart and controlled way are best positioned for the future.

How to Digitally Spark Corporate Innovation

To maintain relevance in the global competitive market, many companies already focus on the development and implementation of innovations, even using digital tools. But, in times of crisis, this focus is most likely to be lost when most businesses concentrate on keeping the daily business running.

Human Creativity: The Critical Survival Skill of the 4th Industrial Revolution that Cannot be Automated

While 4th Industrial Revolution technologies are fast becoming the way to go in the world of the "new normal," they are driven by something far superior to robots: human creativity. Let's have a look at the importance of creativity in this article.

Four Ways to Innovate Right Now

While the pandemic has been difficult for all us economically, as business owners, we never run out of opportunities. No matter the business climate, there is always a chance to do something new and something better—you just have to find it.