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How to Select Your Best Value Innovation Project – The Secret is in a Well-Managed Product Project Portfolio!

Innovation is on everyone's lips as a solution to post-COVID economic recovery. The world of innovation has a very broad definition: It’s often referred to as an information technology innovation... but our worldwide economy is still very reliant on manufacturing. How you select your best innovation project is undoubtedly a starting point!

The Post-COVID Workplace: What to Expect Now and in the Future

As we start to think about a time when we can get back to the office and return to some sort of normalcy in the workplace, whether we are a startup or a well-established company, we will need to understand how we can best operate in a post-COVID workplace environment.

The Art Of Innovation | 10 Things To Learn From Guy Kawasaki

The agenda of our first management meeting in 2021 was β€˜How can we innovate to thrive this year?’ We were clear that if we continue to do the same thing we did last year, there is no way we can bring any change in our growth.Β 

Is There Value in an Innovation Program for Your Company?

In my last article I wrote about the influences and themes that I see changing how large, mature and (often) incumbent organisations drive innovative growth and impact. In short, the innovation development professionals are (ironically) being disrupted.

Strategic Agility: The Leadership Survival Skill of the Year

Chaos might have defined the year that was 2020, but that turmoil helped business leaders learn a new skill that will serve them well in the years to come.