Zen vs. Zoom: Is Person-to-Person Interaction Better for Innovation?

The author draws upon the theory of “emptiness” and other principles of Zen Buddhism to evaluate the desirability of remote vs. person-to-person interaction during the course of innovation, especially new idea development. This evaluation is pursued within the context of three related idea process parameters: interdependence, intuition and intensity. An in-person work environment is recommended for the intense phases of new idea processing.

How to Create a Competitive Advantage Through Innovation

In the modern world of business, innovation is both an equalizer and a differentiator. It can give tiny startups an edge over global conglomerates and enable industry leaders to develop competitive advantages.

10 Tips for Dealing with Employee Recruitment and Retention

In September, McKinsey released a report describing the “Great Attrition,” a recent wave of cross-sector resignations we have witnessed throughout the world, primarily based on the exhaustion of employees due to the pandemic.

Unleashing Virtual Creative Collaboration at The Sonophilia Foundation: What Can a Nonprofit Teach Us About Virtual Creative Collaboration

Does creativity suffer in our virtual world, or could working virtually actually lead to more collaborative environments, better ideation and heightened interaction? 

The Post-COVID Workplace: What to Expect Now and in the Future

As we start to think about a time when we can get back to the office and return to some sort of normalcy in the workplace, whether we are a startup or a well-established company, we will need to understand how we can best operate in a post-COVID workplace environment.

What is a Virtual Innovation Lab?

The Virginia Department of Transportation created their own Virtual Innovation Lab, where they collaborate to solve problems related to remote work, engineering topics, safety, and more with the help of their entire distributed workforce. Learn more in this December 15th webinar!

Have You Done Your Homework? Aspirations, Blessings and Curses of Working Remotely

One of the most significant ways the COVID pandemic impacted work has been to get much more of it done from home. Subscriptions to extra bandwidth and virtual meeting platforms skyrocketed. People’s imaginations and their capacity to make new things happen and change their work habits accelerated overnight.

2021-12-20T12:22:28-08:00October 6th, 2020|Categories: Trend Alert|Tags: , , |

Opportunity in Adversity: New Workplace Models in the Post-COVID World

COVID-19 and the resultant lockdown has effectively shattered the premise that people need to go to "office" to work. In an almost overnight digital shift, the entire workforce of companies shifted to remote work. Once the COVID threat is past, will we ever go back to business-as-usual?

The World has Changed: Is Your Organization Ready?

The COVID-19 epidemic has had a tremendous effect on many aspects of our lives and resulted in a significant change in the workforce, and on the very way that individuals and organizations work. Suddenly, without warning, it seems that the entire business world shifted to Zoom and its competitors in a day, since it offered a concrete solution to the challenges raised by the current crisis.

Let Culture Drive Online Innovation Teams

Online innovation teams need to be especially mindful of cultural sensitivities among members and adapt accordingly. Evidence suggests that cultural diversity is a major asset for innovation teams. Under remote operating environments, cultural awareness and sensitivity is of heightened significance, and appropriate practices need to be deployed.

Preparing a Team For Transition To Remote Work In COVID-19 Environment

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many companies have implemented mandatory work-from-home policies to help contain the spread of COVID-19. While large companies have the resources and experience to foster a massive ‘home office shift’, smaller companies who have never implemented such policies before are facing numerous questions regarding this new work arrangement.

The Day After the COVID-19

We are in the midst of a fascinating period. The most interesting thing is what will be in the day after. It’s going to be a process. There isn’t going to be a point in which we know that we are “after.” The process looks different in every country and the duration of the process will also be different.

Tips for Established Businesses to Survive the Startup Surge

So much has already been said about what smaller, fresh companies need to do in order to gain a competitive edge in a well-developed market, but how often do you think about what those well-established businesses should do to achieve the same?

7 Modern Trends That Are Innovating Traditional Workplaces

The workplace of today little resembles the cubicles of yesteryear. More people telecommute and enjoy flextime options. Rather than a traditional top-down structure, many companies embrace a more democratic arrangement.

A New Way to Collaborate: How Co-working Spaces Are Changing the Landscape for Remote Workers

If you’ve been looking to boost career satisfaction among your remote team members, co-working spaces may prove up to the task. Today, busy remote professionals around the world increasingly benefit from a changing office environment with the rapid proliferation of co-working spaces.