About Bryan Mattimore

Bryan W. Mattimore is Cofounder and “Chief Idea Guy” of the Growth Engine Company, a twenty-three-year-old innovation agency based in Stamford, Connecticut. In his business consulting career, Bryan has given over one-hundred keynotes, facilitated over a thousand brainstorming sessions, and managed two hundred successful innovation projects, leading to over $3 billion in new sales annually for one-third of the Fortune 100 companies. Clients include: BNY Mellon, Ford, IBM, LVMH, Merck, Novartis, Pepsi, Pitney-Bowes, P&G, Shell, State Farm, and Unilever. He is also a Senior Fellow with The Conference Board, and an innovation and marketing instructor for Caltech in their Executive Education Department. Bryan’s five books on creativity, ideation and innovation processes include 21 Days to a Big Idea, and Idea Stormers (Wiley Jossey-Bass). A cum laude graduate of Dartmouth College with a major in psychology, his newest book on creativity and AI is, Quirks.