is the world’s leading platform for cutting-edge innovation management content and best practices. Since our founding in 2009, we have invited innovation leaders from around the world to share their insights and, as a result, we have grown to a network of more than 16,500 innovation leaders, creative thinkers, intrapreneurs, and more.

Advertise on InnovationManagement

Each month, our website receives an average 85,000 to 95,000 unique monthly visitors from 150+ countries, primarily in North America and Western and Northern Europe. Our top social media channels have a combined 36,000 followers, and our weekly newsletter reaches 16,500 readers, with hundreds more added each month.

We offer a variety of advertising options on InnovationManagement, including sponsored articles, article callout boxes (similar to advertorials), sidebar blurbs, banner advertising, newsletter advertorials, and social media promotion. All packages are customizable to your goals and interests.

If you would like to advertise with us, please contact our Director and Managing Editor Sarah Vandenberg at

Publish on InnovationManagement

We are always on the lookout for original articles from thought leaders, researchers, and others with valuable contributions to innovation management. If you have an original, non-promotional article you would like to publish, please read the editorial guidelines on this page, and email Sarah Vandenberg at If you have a product or service you would like to promote on our website, we are happy to work with you to develop an advertising package that suits your goals and interests.

Promote an Event on InnovationManagement

If you have an event, such as a conference, webinar, or other innovation industry-related event you would like to share with our community, we are happy to post it on our events calendar, free of charge. We also can work with you to develop an advertising package including newsletter promotion, social media promotion, and other services to reach a larger audience. Please email to learn more and to get started!

Other Collaborations

If you are interested in collaborating with us on other projects, please email to see what we can do!