Alex is fascinated by the future and what it means for businesses, brands, products, and people. As a Senior Consultant at Fahrenheit 212, Alex connects the dots between insights, opportunities, and execution. He loves to help companies understand their customers, their future context, and opportunities for innovation and has delivered innovation and product strategies, both as a consultant and client, spanning physical and digital products, geographies and sectors.

Twitter: @alexbradleyLDN

Hey Interface, What’s New?! – Conversational Commerce: People, Problems and Pitfalls

Apple’s anticipated addition to the Smart Speaker conversation will be released on Friday. Much as been said about this speaker and the broader commerce implications resulting from the confluence of voice recognition and AI technology. A confluence dubbed as conversational commerce by Uber’s Chris Messina in a piece published on Medium in 2015.

Defining and Demystifying Retail Experience Futures

It's that time of year, following the holiday excess many of our waistlines are looking a little fuller and our email inboxes are full of newsletters, including 2018 predictions and the key trends to consider.