Tomas Vedsmand is an innovation professional with more than 15 years of experience with innovation, business processes and strategy. He has worked on structuring innovation processes as well as managing innovation in numerous consultancies, start-ups and corporations. His focus in recent years has been on how to capture input from users and lead-users as well as getting value from idea management software platforms. Tomas has experience in sectors such as food, retail, construction, clean-tech and the service sector. He has a PhD in food innovation and is currently a partner in GEMBA Innovation and 8ideas.



Integrating Agile with Stage-Gate® – How New Agile-Scrum Methods Lead to Faster and Better Innovation

Recent experiences show that Agile project-management methods can be used in the innovation process and has a great potential to reduce development time and increase the success rate of new products. The article briefly outlines how an Agile method, such as Scrum, can be used within a structured innovation process with milestones and decision points, such as Stage-Gate®, and what benefits it provides to both manufacturers and service-providers.

Making Ideation a Part of the ‘Innovation Project Machine’

Why is the way we work with ideation so different than the way we normally execute projects? This article argues that the two ways of working can be combined into an ‘innovation project machine’ that more effectively captures new ideas and executes innovation, inspired by agile project management and with learning for managers.