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Agile and DevOps share environments that facilitate working together. Spurred by greater demand for excellence, these methods are more than simply adopting new tools and processes. The synergy involves building an evolving and a stable Continuous Integration (CI) Infrastructure, as well as an automated pipeline that moves deliverables from development to production to meet users’ expectations. They can work together, and the entire build process should be transparent, and it should enable and support development and operations. This transformation depends on: significant changes in culture; roles and responsibilities; team structure; tools and processes.

There will be sharing of practical experiences, extended knowledge-sharing presentations, “Round Table” discussions for sharing insights and industry trends. This coupled with networking has the scope for open-mindedness and sharing throughout the day. There are pre conference workshops too on specific topics. An exhibition alongside featuring leading service providers, consultants and vendors from the topics– The conference is also co-located with TestExpo 2018

  • Standard Price- £165 + VAT (Delegate)
  • Vendor Price- £550 + VAT

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