Knowing who your company or entity is communicating to, understanding who is impacted by your idea, finding out best practices in sourcing ideas and process improvements from your audience

How Customer Experience Affects a Company’s Revenue

Customer experience is perhaps the single most valuable and emphasized component of business operations. Both B2B and B2C companies greatly value the concept of creating exceptional customer experience as the bottom line of achieving revenue growth.

5 Things that Are Slowing Most SMBs Down

On your path towards success, your business will encounter numerous bumps, however, some of these problems tend to hold your business more than others. Most of the time, the entrepreneurs behind these SMBs are first-timers, which means that they lack the necessary experience to recognize the gravity of the situation in the given moment.

6 Mistakes to Avoid When Creating a Social Media Conversion System

Many people create social media profiles, and then simply leave them online, not particularly performing or contributing to business at all. Social media can be considered a necessary, if not a little meaningless, use of time and resources, but the people who think this way are often missing out on the amazing conversion rates that social media can offer when used properly.

AI and Customer Experience: Will the Marriage Work?

Artificial Intelligence, like other digital transformations, have been commemorated in the field of customer experience for many years. However, it’s now the rage and this technology has been touching the sky. Today, the AI technology with its potential to mimic the human interactions have been so widely embraced by both the customers and brands that there’s no denying the fact that the AI in customer experience marriage will definitely work.

2021-12-15T07:25:14-08:00September 6th, 2018|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , |

What’s New in Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has become increasingly popular over the past few years. No wonder this is so when approximately 2.5 billion people use social networks on a daily basis. Facebook is still the most popular social media platform, despite its recent Cambridge Analytica Scandal, with more than 1.45 billion unique daily visitors.

Strengthening Your Intra- and Inter-Department Partnership – The Welcome Side Effect of Design Thinking

Imagine a world where customer service, procurement, marketing, finance, operations, human resources, and sales can truly help each other and work together, instead of stepping on each others’ toes and pointing fingers. A world where all parts of the organizations work together with a shared sense of purpose, no matter how different their cultures, processes, and systems, have been in the past.

Want to Drive Innovation? Talk to Your Customers

The customer is always right. The timeless aphorism holds truer now than it ever did before, as the customer truly drives the ever-changing trends and shapes the industry, with companies battling each other to stay relevant in the hearts and minds of their devoted audience.

How Can Personalization Improve Your Business Impact?

If there’s one mistake that marketers keep repeating, it is treating their customer base as a demographic instead of as a group of individuals. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that personalizing your message increases your engagement rate while personalizing your brand as a whole tends to give your customer loyalty a boost.

Defining and Demystifying Retail Experience Futures

It's that time of year, following the holiday excess many of our waistlines are looking a little fuller and our email inboxes are full of newsletters, including 2018 predictions and the key trends to consider.

How Innovative Social Media Campaigns Can Boost Your Brand Exposure

Increasing brand visibility and exposure is something that can really make all the difference, because no matter how good and unique your product or service is, you won’t have too much success if you don’t promote it through social media platforms.

How to Make Your Business More Innovative

Are you trying to think of ways to make your business more innovative? Innovation has become a vital part of success for business. Technology has made it easy to expand globally, reach a larger target audience and significantly boost profits, but it’s also brought a lot more competition. This means that to keep up, businesses need to ensure they’re innovative and capable of consistently delivering new and exciting products and services.

Rebuild Personas According to Your Next Product Innovation

Using personas in your design thinking framework is important, but are the results satisfying and clear? In this article, Product Innovation Manager Alex Igor Sanghikian discusses the Adjacent Possibilities framework for product management. By exclusively focusing on your persona’s one main need and trying hard to fulfill that need with your product, you can build the next feature with a more focused vision.