The Value of Innovation at a Time of Crisis

We often talk about the role of innovation in an age of constant, radical disruption, as defined by the 4th industrial revolution. Within this new environment, innovation leaders should play an essential role in helping the organization thrive and drive growth.

Are you Called to be an Innovation Leader?

If you want to be innovative, you need to be a leader. No individual or organization has become an innovative one by copying the actions of their competitors or peers. That may seem obvious, but evidence shows that most people fail to realize this critical fact.

Why collaborative innovation is different than enterprise chat

Collaborative innovation, the act of inviting a particular group of people to explore the possibilities of resolving a critical question facing the organization, is a wholly different animal from the stream-of-consciousness observations one typically observes in a generic collaboration space, explains Doug Collins.

2020-07-14T11:00:45-07:00June 22nd, 2011|Categories: Collaborative Innovation|Tags: , , , |