By: Innovation Management
For today’s businesses, innovation isn’t just about having a team focused on building a new product or service. It’s a way of thinking and acting that leaders in every department must now incorporate into every day work life. Innovator’s Accelerator is an online learning experience created by the world’s premier innovation experts to help leaders take on the new normal.
If you were to take an informal poll of C-suite executives about the most important quality they look for in potential hires, one answer would emerge as a clear winner: innovative thinking. That’s because in today’s fast-moving and global economy, innovative thinking isn’t reserved for the “dreamers” in R&D; it’s a crucial attribute for employees in every department at every level—and especially in leadership positions—that’s called into action every day.
The statistics show what happens when you don’t innovate: Of the original 1955 Fortune 500 list, only 71 companies are still in business today. And recent research from The Economist shows that nearly half of the respondents to their global survey say their companies have no system in place that helps them learn from failures.
Many organizations say they support innovation. They talk a lot about “forward-thinking strategies” and “brainstorming” and other seemingly innovative ideas. But if you dig a little more deeply, you’ll find that it’s still today’s results being rewarded by management, not the work done to create future possibilities. So if it’s going to survive—and if it wants to thrive—a business has to invest in a culture of innovation.
Innovation training made practical
If it’s going to survive, a business has to invest in a culture of innovation.
Helping companies develop this all-important innovation culture is the mission of an online learning program called Innovator’s Accelerator. Created and taught by the world’s leading experts on innovation—Clayton Christensen, Jeff Dyer, and Hal Gregersen—Innovator’s Accelerator gives employees throughout an organization the tools they need to improve their innovative thinking abilities and become catalysts for change in their organizations.
To meet the needs of businesses big and small, Innovator’s Accelerator is offered in two versions:
IAIA is a concentrated experience focused on developing individual innovation skills. It’s a self-paced, 12-hour that employees can start at any time, working alongside either colleagues from their own company or with others around the world. |
IAxIAx is a deep-dive, online learning experience designed specifically for company cohorts. By working together, leaders learn to overcome obstacles and drive change throughout an organization as well as develop a common innovation language that fosters transformation in workplace culture. |
The digital innovation revolution
Both versions of Innovator’s Accelerator are delivered digitally to the desktop or mobile device and feature video lectures and real-world case studies to give employees valuable inside information on how trailblazing startups—and Fortune 500 companies—have leveraged innovative thinking to drive success.
The team behind Innovator’s Accelerator
Each of the experts who lead Innovator’s Accelerator have decades of classroom experience at the nation’s most prestigious universities— Harvard, BYU,Wharton, INSEAD— and have sparked innovation in some of the globe’s most powerful companies:
Clayton M.Christensen, Professor at Harvard Business School, best-selling author of The Innovator’s Dilemma and world-recognized pioneer of innovation theory.
Jeff Dyer, Professor at Brigham Young University, author of Collaborative Advantage, and co-author of The Innovator’s DNA.
Hal Gregersen, Professor at INSEAD, The Business School for the World and co-author of The Innovator’s DNA.
The Platforms
- 12 hours of independent learning – Concentrated learning accelerates an individual’s ability to become more innovative.
- Private or open forum- Groups of 50 or fewer employees will interact on an individual basis with other participants around the world. Groups of 50 or more can be set up in a private online environment so teams can discuss organization-specific business issues.
- Flexible, self-paced experience – Participants can start at any time and move through the content at their own pace.
- Action Plan – Provides an immediate opportunity to further develop an individual’s proficiency in the 5 core innovation skills.
- 30 hours of learning and skill development – Immersive learning experience helps participants learn to increase innovation in your organization
- Private or mixed company cohorts – Groups of fewer than 15 employees will join a cohort with learners from other organizations. Groups of more than 15 will participate in a private cohort targeted to your organization’s specific business issues.
- Team-based learning with coach – Participants start and finish the learning experience with their cohort, and learn through collaborative, team-based projects with a dedicated IA Coach to inspire and engage.
- Customized Innovation Challenge – Participants get immediate practice and application of the 5 core innovation skills through a team-based challenge designed to address a specific need in your organization.
A path to innovation
For many organizations, the transition to a more innovative workforce is daunting. But with experiences like Innovator’s Accelerator, they can now take positive and practical steps to embrace the change and set themselves on a course to success in the new economy.