
Innovation expert Stephen Shapiro (author of the book, 24-7 Innovation), has just published a new e-book of innovation tips entitled the Little Book of Big Innovation Ideas. It contains over 75 tips to help you to increase the creative potential of your employees, make innovation repeatable and sustainable, and create an organic culture of innovation.

Innovation expert Stephen Shapiro (author of the book, 24-7 Innovation), has just published a new e-book of innovation tips entitled the Little Book of Big Innovation Ideas. It contains over 75 tips to help you to increase the creative potential of your employees, make innovation repeatable and sustainable, and create an organic culture of innovation.

Stephen sent me a preliminary copy of it, and I’m impressed. It covers a wealth of topics in brief, 1-2 page chapters, including these important topics:

  • Move your innovators to the front line
  • Creating an innovation “center of excellence”
  • Use the 7 R’s of procesinnovation
  • And much more

This 100-page e-book can be purchased from Stephen’s site for US$9.95. Based on my quick read of its contents, I’d say it’s an excellent investment!