
This IM Expert Panel Discussion on making innovation pay offers insights on new methods to increase the rate of innovation, reduce individual level costs per innovation and encourage fail fast methods. This session is all about unusual ways that organizations have managed to drive innovation execution to make returns on their innovation investments and the key learnings that can be applied and replicated in your organization.

Gain insight and deeper perspective on the following:

  • Modern innovation methods such as using crowds internally and externally to drive innovation execution at scale, in a cost effective and value generating way.
  • War stories from organizations that have actually made innovation at scale work, and what can be expected from both the journey and the outcomes at the end.
  • Perspectives on the future of innovation management in an economy where value is often driven by rapid-fire innovations from competitors in all sectors.

About the moderator and panelists


Matt Chapman, UK. Matt is the Innovation Strategy Director at Spigit. Matt has over 10 years experience working as an innovation professional and has lead the strategic design and delivery of numerous collaborative innovation and idea management programs. He was worked for a variety of global companies across various industrial sectors including, Aerospace, Automotive, Education, Finance & Banking, Government, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical, Publishing, Technology and Telecommunications. In working with these organisations Matt has planned, designed, and implemented transformational, sustainable innovation capabilities for both internal and open innovation programs alike to discover new products, services, business models, cost reductions, and process improvements. Matt has widely written and presented on the subjects of idea management, collaborative innovation and gameficiation and has regularly shared his thoughts on the industry through his various blog posts over the years and holds three degrees including a PhD.

Gunjan Bhardwaj, Germany. Gunjan’s expertise in the area of innovation management and social media is outstanding. He was earlier with the Boston Consulting Group and before that the leader of the Global business performance think-tank of Ernst& Young and a manager in the German practice with a solution focus on Strategy and Innovation. Gunjan was also a partner, senior-editor and advisor for and is presently a member of the scientific advisory board of New Jersey based Plexus institute, a not for profit institute researching in Complexity Sciences in the Healthcare industry. He is also a Guest lecturer at the European Business School for Growth management based out of Frankfurt, Germany and FIA Business School in Sao Paulo. He is an honorary representative of the state of Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany to India.

Daniel Gusev, Russia. Daniel went to great lengths at SAP, Roland Berger developing emerging technology and business practices frameworks, later tested as part of innovation initiatives at Russian leading banks, pioneering innovation approach in Russia – now presiding over a retail Innovation Hub at Promsvyazbank, a specialist task force bent on reinventing finance. An occasional blogger on financial services in Russia and an amateur entrepreneur (having his own startup).

Frank Mattes, Germany (moderator). Frank has collected more than 15 years of experience in managing projects and innovation. He worked for specialized medium-sized national consulting companies as well as for The Boston Consulting Group. Additionally he was working at C-level for an eBusiness firm, an IT firm and a Professional services firm. He wrote several books, numerous articles and is a sought after speaker.

About Spigit

Diversity of insight is often the source of the most innovative solutions. Spigit is a platform that enables organizations to tap into the collective intelligence of employees, customers, partners and fans to help tackle business objectives.

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