
Innovation is such a hot topic of discussion that it can be difficult to determine the next initiatives to undertake to grow the maturity of your innovation program. In this enlightening webinar on November 12, 2014 we highlighted several innovation trends to consider implementing today for measurable results tomorrow.

Innovation can be a powerful way to help increase revenue, decrease cost, and improve brand recognition. Mastering innovation can also be a career boost to those who are able to capitalize on the latest trends and implement research-proven best practices. But it can be time consuming to determine which changes will help your organization achieve its strategic innovation goals! Instead of scouring the web, monitoring twitter, browsing posts on LinkedIN, reading industry analyst research, and attending innovation conferences, simply attend this live IM Channel One Roundtable Discussion, hosted by Planview to stay ahead of the curve.

Does this sound familiar?

  • “We’re getting ready for 2015 strategic planning and budgeting, but I don’t know which innovation initiatives to approve.”
  • “I don’t have a measurable way to assess my company’s innovation management maturity.”
  • “I’m overwhelmed by the tsunami of data on innovation and struggle to discern fact from fiction.”

If any of these statements resonate, this webcast will be worth your 60-minute commitment.

About Planview

Planview delivers the market’s most complete product portfolio management solution. The Planview solution has capabilities that span ideation, investment analysis, new product development and launch. A market leader and trusted partner in high-performance portfolio management for more than 20 years, Planview provides solutions that enable organizations around the world to integrate the decision-making process to improve alignment of financial and human resources with business strategies. With Planview Enterprise, you can drive the maximum results from your new product development pipeline by optimizing product and roadmap planning, accelerating time-to-market, and providing transparency into the true cost of development.

About the Experts

Patrick Tickle is responsible for Planview’s Products organization and leads the team that continues to deliver the most innovative portfolio management solutions to the marketplace. Patrick brings over 20 years of experience in product management, product development, and marketing across a wide range of technology solutions.

As NPD Solution Evangelist at Planview, Carrie Nauyalis is a passionate thought leader for the Innovation market. She works to help customers achieve the greatest ROI on their investment. Carrie has held several positions in her 18 years, including Product Management, Global Consulting, and Customer Care. She regularly advises companies on their Stage-Gate, Ideation and Agile processes and is an active speaker, MBA guest lecturer, and blogger.


Carina Hatfield recently joined Planview Product Management after 6 years in Consulting. She is a CPA, bringing her previous experience performing budgeting, forecasting, and strategic planning activities to help customers streamline their project approval process, as well articulating the importance of strategic alignment. She has a deep and broad understanding of how product development organizations perform planning activities to drive innovation.