
In this IM Channel One webinar authors Jamie Notter and Maddie Grant share research from their latest book, When Millennials Take Over: Preparing for the Ridiculously Optimistic Future of Business, which identifies the four key capacities that must be developed inside organizations in order to successfully engage employees in the innovation process.

With their widespread entrance into the workplace, millennials are bringing new requirements of employee engagement. By 2025, millennials will make up 75% of the workforce and top-line revenue growth will depend on the ideas of an engaged workforce. If an organization does not know how to inspire their millennial workers and how to refine their ideas into new programs, their business will fall behind.

By choosing to be digital, clear, fluid, and fast, organizations achieve greater productivity and more frequent innovation. Understanding why this matters to all generations is central to building a culture that meets these expectations.

Discussion of successful employee engagement innovation programs include examples from The White House SAVE which engaged federal employees nationwide, Scentsy – one of the nation’s fastest growing enterprises which engaged the voices of more than 35,000 consultants and additional examples from TTI and the City of Atlanta.


  1. Apply the principles of digital, clear, fluid, and fast in creating organizational cultures that enable innovation and will thrive in the 21st century.
  2. Understand the key drivers of the Millennial generation in terms of employee engagement and innovation, in order to understand how their perspective is relevant to the broader changes we face leading and managing organizations in today’s environment.
  3. Learn some practical ways to start shifting the innovation culture of your own organization by changing processes and technologies and facilitating new behaviors among employees from all generations.

About IdeaScale

IdeaScale is an innovation management platform that uses crowdsourcing to help you find and develop the next big thing. IdeaScale is the largest cloud-based innovation software platform in the world with more than 25,000 customers and 4 million users. The software allows organizations to involve the opinions of public and private communities by collecting their ideas and giving users a platform to vote. The ideas are then evaluated, routed, and implemented, making IdeaScale the engine of crowd-powered innovation. IdeaScale’s client roster includes industry leaders, such as Adobe, Cisco, the Department of Homeland Security, Marriott, the US Navy, NBC, Xerox, and many more.

About the Experts

Jamie Notter and Maddie Grant are the founding partners of Culture That Works and strategists known for helping organizations create remarkable cultures, attract the best employees and most loyal customers, and thrive in the digital age. Together, they have a combined 35 years of experience working with both small and large organizations from a variety of industries, including high-tech, healthcare, retail, finance and non-profit. They are also co-authors of the critically acclaimed book Humanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World. Based in Washington, DC, they are frequent keynote speakers to diverse audiences around the world.

Jessica Day is the VP of Communications for IdeaScale – the world’s largest innovation management platform with over 25,000 communities and 4.5 million users. As part of her position, she analyzes the success of innovation communities for customers like the White House, Citrix, Fiat, Georgetown University, global NGOs and others. She received her Masters from the University of Washington. Day also blogs about crowd-based innovation and idea management on various innovation blogs, including the industry-leading IdeaScale blog.