Watch industry thought leaders delve in to a specific innovation management topic and share best practices as well as hands-on experiences. Short Q&A with the audience included.

Strategic vs. Tactical Innovation – Learn how to get the Balance Right

In tough economic times, companies need to demonstrate the value of their innovation programs. Many innovation leaders are pressured to deliver benefits now, whilst long-term success depends on managing a strong portfolio of strategic innovations and potential breakthroughs. In this IM Channel One Expert Panel Discussion hosted by HYPE Innovation, global innovation leaders talk about how they've found a "sweet spot" between strategic and tactical innovation through a smart mix of structure, programs, and tools.

2019-10-15T15:11:23-07:00October 19th, 2012|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

How to Change Culture by Doing: Creating Momentum

In large or complex organizations, starting or ramping up innovation can be a real challenge. For concrete ideas on how to create momentum for innovation projects, watch this IM Channel One Ask the Experts Panel Discussion. We invited two experts from KILN's cauldron to discuss aspects of innovation program momentum, from leveraging the creative talent of your people, through to winning management's buy-in.

2019-11-28T09:23:27-08:00October 6th, 2012|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

How to Make Open Innovation a Reality in your Organization

There is a lot of talk about open innovation. But what do you need to be able to really walk the talk and generate concrete results? In this IM Channel One Expert Panel Discussion hosted by NineSigma, you will learn about how Open Innovation has been adopted transversally across diverse industries, how this has been achieved and the impact it has had in making and maintaining these Open Innovation adopters industry leaders.

2019-10-15T15:11:27-07:00October 2nd, 2012|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

Making Innovation Pay: Driving the Move from Innovation-Talk to Innovation-Do

This IM Expert Panel Discussion on making innovation pay offers insights on new methods to increase the rate of innovation, reduce individual level costs per innovation and encourage fail fast methods. This session is all about unusual ways that organizations have managed to drive innovation execution to make returns on their innovation investments and the key learnings that can be applied and replicated in your organization.

2019-11-28T08:51:29-08:00June 4th, 2012|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

Changing Culture by Doing: Using Behavior as a Lever to Improve Innovation Across Complex Companies

It doesn’t matter how many smart processes and methods you have in place unless the culture is right. Dive deeper into the discussion about innovation culture and learn more about key success factors to operate cultural changes in a complex organization. This IM expert panel discussion is moderated by Chief Solver Gregg Fraley from KILN, joined by three experts from multinational companies; Dennis Curry from HP, Bengt Järrehult from SCA and Adi Codaty from United Healthcare International.

2019-11-28T09:23:26-08:00May 8th, 2012|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

Get Engaged in Next Generation Innovation – Best Practices and Success Stories

In this IM Channel One webinar we look at how innovation life cycle processes and structures can be put in place to motivate, manage and move thousands of people into next generation innovation communities. The experts at Induct share important findings from their last three years of studies and research projects from innovation practice.

2019-10-15T15:09:15-07:00December 9th, 2011|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

Get Engaged in Next Generation Innovation – What do I need to get started?

How do you prepare to overcome the implementation barriers in an open innovation environment? What types of issues need to be considered? How can you prevent fear of violated IPR issues becoming show-stoppers in your open innovation process? And how can common pitfalls be avoided? These are some of the challenges covered in this IM Channel One webinar.

2019-10-15T15:09:22-07:00November 10th, 2011|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |

Next Generation Innovation – What does it Mean to Me as a Practitioner?

In this IM Channel One webinar David Burns talks about some of the challenges connected with how to better leverage Open Innovation in your organization. For example how processes and structures can be put in place to manage, rank, decide on, track and archive hundreds or thousands of ideas and challenges.

2019-10-15T15:09:24-07:00October 27th, 2011|Categories: IM Channel One, Roundtable Discussion|Tags: |