Alan Moore’s invaluable and unique creative insights present us with an alternative way of working and existing – a better way – in which “participatory leadership” is the new operating system of the workplace where wellbeing and creating value for the collective good is the new currency of our economy. Alan sits on the “board of inspiration” at the Dutch Think Tank Freedom Lab. He acts as “Head of Vision” for the Grow Venture Community, is a board director of the crisis management NGO Ushahidi and is as a special advisor to a number of innovative companies and organizations including publishing, mobile, the theatre and finance.



An Introduction to the Book No Straight Lines: Making Sense of our Non-linear World

In his book No Straight Lines: making sense of our non-linear world, author Alan Moore argues that humanity shifts gear when it demands fundamental change to its real world circumstances and that this moment stands as a turning point in the collective approach to the organisation of the economy and society as a whole. This deeply thought provoking work is relevant for innovation management professionals in all industries, as it: challenges how we think innovation gets done, and then offers up new viable alternatives; argues that innovation can be accelerated and costs reduced; demonstrates that we need a new vocabulary to describe non-linear innovation and finally, explains how innovation can also help build a more regenerative world.

2019-10-15T15:13:42-07:00March 20th, 2013|Categories: Book Review|Tags: |