Gerard Harkin brings over two decades of experience in business innovation gained in both consulting and commercial roles. During this time he has worked across a variety of industries with many organisations, helping them to innovate successfully and build new businesses. He holds an MBA from the University of Brighton, and a BSc in electronic engineering from the Dublin Institute of Technology.  Gerard has written over 70 articles on innovation.


Twitter: @GerardHarkin


30 Minutes to Get Unplugged from the Innovation Hype

At a time when organisations are plugging more effort into innovation, Gerard Harkin has written a book called 'Innovation Unplugged'. Why? As he puts it himself, Gerard is on a mission to make innovation more effective by ‘unplugging’ from the hype, confusion and ‘gobbledygook’ that are so prevalent today, and return to the basic principles of innovation, and its role in enabling business growth.

2019-10-15T15:23:35-07:00July 14th, 2016|Categories: Book Review|Tags: |