Min Zhou, Ph.D., Managing Partner, at China Materialia LLC. Min has diverse experience in technology development, business development and venture capital. She is an economy advisor to the Shanghai Yangpu district government, an advisor to the USA Science Festival and a member of the Austrade Eco-wan Initiative Advisory Panel. Before founding China Materialia LLC, Min was with Silicon Valley Bank Capital, where she was responsible for identifying and evaluating venture capital and private equity fund investments, with a focus on the China market.

7 Key Steps to Successful Open Innovation in China

More and more Multinational Companies (MNCs) are turning to China for open innovation for several important reasons. Find out what those reasons are and learn more about best practices to succeed at open innovation in the unique Chinese market. This article delves deeper into how harvest the power of innovation from one of the world’s most populous and fastest-growing countries

2021-12-03T07:35:04-08:00May 17th, 2012|Categories: Open Innovation, Strategies|Tags: , , , , |