René van der Hulst is owner of in2lead and operates as consultant in advisory and executive roles related to innovation projects. He has more than 20 years experience in the telecommunication industry, and at Lucent Technologies led the team introducing data solutions for enterprise customers of large mobile operators.


Sidestep & Twist: Mechanisms Behind the Battle Between Apple, Google, Microsoft & Facebook

James Gardner’s new book takes a look at innovation from another perspective – it’s not always about new ideas but how new ideas are made useful. In this book review René van der Hulst walks us through the three mechanisms Gardner has identified that accelerate acceptance of new products or services and increase competitive boundaries.

2019-10-15T15:10:16-07:00May 3rd, 2012|Categories: Book Review|Tags: |

Book Review:The Innovation Masterplan

Many companies tout innovation in their marketing. Being perceived as innovative is important. But the message and reality can only diverge temporarily. A new book by Langdon Morris is providing a simple but very effective framework to guide CEOs as they address what many perceive as the dilemma of innovation.

2019-11-28T09:26:36-08:00November 15th, 2011|Categories: Book Review|Tags: |