Winter Nie is Professor of Operations and Service Management at IMD. Her areas of research interest are service management and supply chain management. Winter Nie’s new book, Made in China-Secrets of China’s Dynamic Entrepreneurs, takes an insider’s look at Chinese entrepreneurs’ path to success and offers insights as how MNCs could compete and/or work with them.

Professor Nie has provided training programs for and consulted with companies in pharmaceutical, telecommunications, automotive, food and beverage, machinery, and electronics industries as well as financial and professional services. She has taught programs in US, Britain, France, Brazil, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and China. She has won several teaching and research awards. Professor Nie holds a PhD in Operations Management from the University of Utah (USA).

Chinese Innovation – Lessons from the East

The Chinese are innovating in a uniquely Chinese manner and consequently rising as formidable challengers to traditional multinational companies. Professor Winter Nie has found four interesting features regarding the manner in which the Chinese innovate: innovation on-site, innovation to reduce costs, tailored innovation and rapid product innovation.

2021-12-02T16:06:58-08:00September 5th, 2011|Categories: Organization & Culture|Tags: , , , |