
For HR and business managers, it can be challenging to create a productive workplace where employees are motivated to be engaged. It may be time to make work fun again with a variety of practices and tools that are implemented. To transform the environment of your workplace and create a positive environment. Here are a few simple changes that can benefit the business.

Schedule outings

Allow your employees to get a break from their cubicle by scheduling outings throughout the month, which can include hosting a movie night at a local theater or taking time to visit the zoo together on the weekend. This will allow them to avoid burnout and get to know one another in a new setting.
You can also schedule sports competitions that allow the staff to compete against one another over a game of baseball, basketball, and soccer. This can offer a greater sense of unity within the company and allow everyone to develop trust and transparency with one another.

You can even schedule days of the week where employees can ditch their office attire and opt for fun and colorful flare with dress up days. You can make work fun by allowing them to dress in Halloween costumes or in the gear of their alma mater. Make it a point to host contests to determine who came in with the most impressive look.

Makeover the office

It’s easy for employees to have a lack of motivation when they’re surrounded by white walls and a lack of decor for several hours a day. Enhance the appeal of the workspace by painting the walls bright colors, incorporating different types of plants, and adding fun artwork on the walls. You can even stock healthy snacks in the break room and facilitate exercise challenges to motivate each employee and allow them to begin working more as a team. By making subtle changes, your employees will look forward to coming into a positive environment that doesn’t feel dull.

Send out a newsletter

Give your staff an interesting piece of reading material during the week by sending out a letter. This can provide fun facts about the company, highlight certain employees, and even provide fun activities to enjoy during the season. Now, in the digital age you can explore so many new options for receiving and sharing news throughout the company. Most online HR providers have this built into their employee engagement tools in order to keep teams and the whole company up to speed.

Celebrate small achievements

Don’t be afraid to reward your employees for small successes that are made each month. One of the biggest influences in the workplace is recognizing progress that is made and allowing your team to feel celebrated for their efforts on a consistent basis. Consider hosting small award ceremonies each month and giving out cash prizes to those who are coming in early, sharing their ideas, or are cultivating a positive environment.

Allow your employees to develop relationships

Your staff will be much more willing to work harder and give their best in a company where they’ve formed strong friendships. Make it a point to encourage conversation, which will make it easy for everyone to work as a team and remain stimulated. Those who have best friends at work are proven to be seven times more engaged, which will allow them to discuss the company and think of new ideas on how it can grow. This will also reduce the amount of sick days that the employees take throughout the year.

You can also help your employees develop relationships with one another by hosting luncheons or creating an area in the office that is designated for games.
All and all, work with employees to see what can be done to influence a fun and hardworking culture. Ultimately these ideas can help improve your company culture and employee engagement.
By Malcolm Rowlings

About the author

Malcolm Rowlings is a freelance writer who focuses on finances, corporate training and best business practices. Those who have attended Malcolm’s coaching sessions will recognize his signature tagline “Big Ideas, Bottom Lines, Better Business.”

Image credit: friends discussing brainstorming and ideas from