By: Kevin Faber
Business communication involves the exchange of information between parties such as two
employees or two firms entering into a contract. The evolution of communication indicates
drastic growth since the end of hiring secretaries to send out faxes to staff within the building or
far away locations.
Since the launch of electronic mailing, people can now send out messages to anyone anywhere and at any time. The email technology allows users to block specific senders or content hence complicating the entire mailing process. This leap in communication, which happened at the end of the 20th century, has significant milestones that detail new growth trails for the business community.
The Start of the Email
The email began operating years before 1991; the year it received a public introduction to the world. The email was a byproduct of the World Wide Web after consumers struck a chord with many of its communications benefits. The first users of the messaging platform were educational systems and the military. People in groups such as colleges would use the portal to exchange information before Microsoft launched the first public messaging system known as Hotmail.
The Significance of Email in Business
The groundbreaking innovation gained fame with business across the globe for its efficiency in confirming shipments, transactions, marketing, and miscellaneous company information. Emails charged an extremely low cost of operation, were user-friendly and recorded decent speed in sending over information. Gary Thuerk began what many now term as spamming. The email marketing legend sent out hundreds of marketing emails that resulted in a $13 million sale for DEC machines. This first direct marketing campaign began in 1978, way before the first public electronic messaging by Microsoft.
The Evolution of Email in the Business World
The government began regulating the use of emails in businesses in 1998 with the enactment of the Data Protection Act. The increasing bandwagon of using the internet for marketing was creating a spamming nuisance. The virtual battlefield between senders and receivers has not deterred people from setting up a personal emailing account on their mobile devices for business communication. One study reveals that approximately 56 percent of society receive mail through their handsets.
A 2009 study by Return Path indicates that receivers began using the spam filter features to block and identify specific content reaching their inbox. Consequentially, businesses realized the need to revise their email marketing campaigns. Between 2001 and 2010, marketers began using engagement emails to trigger responses from prospective clients. Apple’s sales report in 2011 indicated that they sent out more than 100 million phones. The firm reported that 75 percent of the buyers were actively engaged with the E-Mailing platform. Recently, DMA reported that marketers prioritize the use of email in forging and maintaining meaningful relationships with clients using effective email marketing strategies.
How to Turn Crowdsourced Ideas Into Business Proposals
In October 2020, Pact launched AfrIdea, a regional innovation program supported by the U.S. Department of State. This was geared towards unlocking the potential of West African entrepreneurs, social activists, and developers in uncovering solutions to post-COVID challenges. Through a contest, training, idea-a-thon and follow-on funding, they sought to activate a network of young entrepreneurs and innovators from Guinea, Mali, Senegal, and Togo to source and grow innovative solutions. Learn their seven-stage process in the AfrIdea case study.
Get the Case Study
How Growth of the Email Platform Benefits Businesses
The updated email features allow marketers to send out interactive emails to clients. These include a call to action message, dynamic content consisting of videos, images and gifs, preheader texts and countdown timers. Countdown timers trigger the brain to take action while quick, informative videos motivate one to view the entire message. The increased customer network directly affects a business’ outreach and raises the overall revenue and longevity within the industry.
Emails offer confidentiality since the message is only visible to the sender and the receiver. Companies create workgroup emails to reach staff, which is a big leap from the previous methodologies of word of mouth or sending out single printouts to each employee. Emails allow companies to send out detailed information using attachments such as spreadsheets and word reports. The added security feature of customized email portals allows firms to have control of the messages.
About the author
Kevin Faber is the CEO of Silver Summit Capital. He graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in Business/Managerial Economics. In his free time, Kevin is usually watching basketball or kicking back and reading a good book.
Follow him on Twitter: @faber28kevin
Featured image via Yayimages.