Henra Mayer is the CEO of Innocentrix (Pty) Ltd, a South African based innovation management company. Her expertise lies in the management and measurement of innovation results in the organisational context. Her aim is to assist clients to bring innovation to life by aligning strategic imperatives to drive results and building successful innovation eco-systems that showcase the impact of innovation. She has an innovation related MBA degree and is often asked to contribute articles to business publications on the topic. She regularly appears as guest speaker for radio stations, conferences and innovation competitions.

Top Innovation Secrets

Being successful at innovation is a skill. One that takes time, patience, strategic intelligence and amongst other things, funding. Many organisations succeed only after they have experienced embarrassing failures and learnt some tough lessons in the process. How do others succeed with their innovation efforts? What is the secret? In this article we use the inspiring philosophy of Steve Jobs as stimulus and ask innovation managers about their “secret sauce for innovation success”. Learning from others reduce risk because resurrecting the organisational “innovation corpse” is not an action anyone should be tasked with.