Dr. Jose A. Briones is currently the Director of Operations of SpyroTek Performance Solutions, a supplier of innovation management and support services. He holds several managerial and board and has 20 years of commercial and technical experience in the manufacturing and technology industries, holding positions in the areas of marketing, innovation, sales, engineering and R&D with Fortune 300 companies such as Celanese, Air Products and Reichhold.

Dr. Briones’ expertise and experience includes: Innovation Management, Product Development and Ideation, Business Model Assessments, Product Portfolio Value Analysis, Probabilistic Forecasting Decision Analysis and use of Social Media to achieve Social Change.

You can reach him at the following address: or follow @Brioneja.



A New Approach to Manage Disruptive Innovation in an Environment of High Uncertainty

Existing methods for the management of innovation projects have a low probability of success in the development of radical or disruptive innovations. A new spiral approach has been developed that provides the balance of flexibility and control needed for a repeatable and successful approach to disruptive innovation.