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The Creative Challenge of Changing Culture at IBM

September 20th, 2023|

Key Strategy: Facilitating Genuine Employee InvolvementExcerpted from the book: Idea Stormers, How to Lead and Inspire Creative Breakthroughs (Wiley Jossey-Bass) by Bryan Mattimore There is no tougher organizational challenge than changing a culture. Just [...]

  • A yin-yang model of global sustainability - Innovation Management

A Yin-Yang Model for Global Sustainability: Moving Towards Rural-Urban Balance

September 8th, 2023|

This article employs a holistic, interactive East Asian framework—the ancient yin-yang circle—for presenting both defensive and proactive carbon control strategies in urban and rural areas. Given the recent wave of deadly wildfires in the American West, attention is focused here on the future significance of oceans as a massive carbon sink for fighting global climate change. Life probably arose in the sea, and the sea may end up having to save the planet.

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The mission of InnovationManagement.se is to democratize the practice of innovation. By creating a shared library of resources and connecting a network of practitioners, we believe that anyone can learn to be an innovation leader. Through delivery of our curated content, we believe we can accelerate an innovator’s path to success, whether that is launching their own idea, stewarding the ideas of others, are leading an entire organization to profitable and positive change.

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  • Innovation Strategy

What Is Innovation Strategy?

September 30th, 2022|

Innovating doesn’t just happen when inspiration strikes. In order to ensure forward progress, a business has to create a structure that stimulates innovation regularly. This structure will determine the rate and efficacy of overall innovation and is commonly known as an innovation strategy. This article will define innovation strategy, discuss how to create one, and outline the main types of innovation. What Is Innovation Strategy? An innovation strategy is a plan that organizes future growth milestones in an effort to fill unmet customer needs. It will detail the value added to the product/service in the coming months and should evolve your business to better target an improved customer experience. An innovation plan will consist of the policies, research methods, [...]

Ambition Matrix: What It Is and How To Use It

July 18th, 2022|

Creating an innovation strategy means improving what you currently offer and finding ways to differentiate from your competition in the future. This is easy in principle, but applying this practice to your business can be very difficult.

  • Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing

Types of Innovation

November 11th, 2022|

Innovation is an important part of staying competitive in any market, and most businesses would say it’s a high priority for their organization. When thought about abstractly, however, it’s hard to imagine how innovation can impact current and future opportunities. In order to better understand how innovation can have a tangible impact, we created this guide to the main types of innovation and how they are commonly implemented.  What Defines Innovation? Innovation is a process that questions the status quo, locates new solutions, and solves problems for people in a unique way that adds value to their experience. As defined by Ideascale, “Innovation is the process of creating or improving products, services, and processes. Regardless of size, these changes [...]

How Can Nonprofits Develop a Pilot Innovation Process that Works for Volunteers?

December 15th, 2021|

The innovation process (as variable as it can be) has a seemingly basic format no matter what your goal is: once you understand the problem, you identify some solutions to test. Those tests often occur in some limited, proof-of-concept format and are then rolled out for large-scale adoption. However, while testing out some sort of pilot scenario seems like a logical next step, many organizations aren’t sure how to do this, and it’s especially true for nonprofits where resources can be limited and every dollar must be accounted for.

  • Organization and Culture

How to Innovate Your Business to Make It Climate Efficient

April 5th, 2022|

Climate efficiency is key for the future of everyone on this planet. With an issue of such magnitude, you may feel that individual actions cannot make a large impact. While your business by itself cannot solve global warming, the actions you take can inspire others and can have a much bigger impact than you may realize.

  • Innovation Lifecycle