Book Reviews2021-06-18T07:54:50-07:00

Leveraging Alien Thinking: Exclusive Interview with Cyril Bouquet, Jean-Louis Barsoux, and Michael Wade

June 8th, 2021|

For the past decade, Cyril BouquetJean-Louis Barsoux, and Michael Wade, professors of innovation and strategy at IMD Business School, have studied inventors, scientists, doctors, entrepreneurs, and artists. These people, or “aliens,” as the authors call them, are able to make leaps of creativity, and use five patterns of thinking that distinguish them from the rest of us.

Interview with Stefan H. Thomke, Author of “Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Business Experiments”

November 12th, 2020|

I had the opportunity recently to interview fellow author Stefan H. Thomke, the William Barclay Harding Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School to talk with him about his new book Experimentation Works: The Surprising Power of Business Experiments, to explore the important role that experimentation plays in business and innovation.

Book Review: Reverse Innovation

June 28th, 2012|

Though not a new concept, “reverse innovation” is hardly straight-forward in practice. Govindarajan and Trimble’s showcasing of successful projects, Fortune 500-type best practice and essential theory in the field endeavors to lay down a modus operandi, yet one which lacks a lasting echo. In this review Jeffrey Phillips argues that despite its good intentions, the book seems to cater only to multinationals, ignoring the needs of small/mid-sized players whose drive is high, yet resources low. Reverse innovation requires a different mind-set, workflow and altogether pace for socially and economically consistent results to emerge.

10 Innovation Lessons from the Movie Moneyball

February 5th, 2012|

Very recently I had a pleasant surprise watching Moneyball movie in my local cinemas. I was expecting a typical "losers become winners" movie but it's actually a great story about disruptive innovation. Here are 10 take-aways from this excellent movie.

Clayton Christensen’s New Book on the Disruption of Higher Education

January 5th, 2012|

Higher education is heading for disruption. In the new book The Innovative University: Changing the DNA of Higher Education From the Inside Out, Clayton Christensen and Henry Eyring explore why this is inevitable and what traditional universities and colleges can do about it. Professor Bill Fischer, himself an avid believer in disruption, reviews this book covering an extremely timely subject.

Book Review: Relentless Innovation

December 14th, 2011|

In his new book Relentless Innovation, prolific innovation author Jeffrey Phillips looks at innovation from an enterprise-level perspective, encouraging companies to adopt an innovation capability that can be scaled and repeated throughout the firm, rather than attempt the one-off innovation initiatives that are common to big businesses today.

7 Powerful Creative Thinking Hacks from Scott Berkun

December 7th, 2011|

We all need help getting out of our well-worn thinking ruts from time to time. When your work or life demands a creative solution but your muse has gone AWOL, why not try one or more of these creative thinking hacks from Scott Berkun's new book, Mindfire: Big Ideas for Curious Minds?

The Hidden Driver of Innovation at Apple – Revealed

December 6th, 2011|

One of the things that's becoming abundantly clear from reading Walter Isaacson's biography of Steve Jobs is that a key to the company's innovation wasn't just Jobs' prodigious talent and relentless drive for creating "insanely great" products. There was also another element that I haven't seen anyone talking about as they eulogize this technology giant.

A Framework for Thinking about your Approach to Creative Problem Solving

November 16th, 2011|

We often approach challenges without considering what mode of thinking we're utilizing to solve them. As a result, we tend to limit the range of possible solutions we're able to generate. To help us take off the blinders and be more aware of our creative problem solving mindset, Chris Griffiths presents a framework called GRASP in his new book, GRASP the Solution.

Book Review:The Innovation Masterplan

November 15th, 2011|

Many companies tout innovation in their marketing. Being perceived as innovative is important. But the message and reality can only diverge temporarily. A new book by Langdon Morris is providing a simple but very effective framework to guide CEOs as they address what many perceive as the dilemma of innovation.

3 Advantages of Challenge-Driven Innovation

October 26th, 2011|

In his new book, innovation expert Stephen Shapiro recommends taking a challenge-driven approach to innovation, rather than open-ended idea collection, which tends to be wasteful of human resources and rarely delivers problem-solving ideas.

The End of Mass Innovation

October 12th, 2011|

Marketing guru Seth Godin, in his book We are All Weird, argues that the age of mass markets is over. Furthermore, the alternative to mass is not niche, but weird.

Harvesting Intangible Assets is an Essential Guide to Maximizing the Value of your IP

October 5th, 2011|

Harvesting Intangible Assets: Uncover Hidden Revenue in Your Company's Intellectual Property by Andrew Sherman is a clear, comprehensive guide to identifying, managing and leveraging your organizations intellectual assets – which may include patents, trademarks, customer information, software code, databases, business models, systems, processes and employee expertise.

Winning at New Products –Creating Value through Innovation

September 29th, 2011|

In a completely revised and updated fourth edition, Robert Cooper reminds us that his Stage-Gate process has become the most widely used method for managing new products in industry today. Stage-Gate is an ideas-to-launch process that encompasses a solid body of knowledge and best practice gleaned from studies of thousands of new product developments.