Business Model Innovation2021-06-18T07:54:52-07:00

How to Digitally Spark Corporate Innovation

July 9th, 2020|

To maintain relevance in the global competitive market, many companies already focus on the development and implementation of innovations, even using digital tools. But, in times of crisis, this focus is most likely to be lost when most businesses concentrate on keeping the daily business running.

Is the Business Model of Management Consultancy Dead?

February 5th, 2010|

It is coming our way, and we had better be prepared and ready. What (probably rightly) began in the legal industry is hitting management consultancy: an outcry against paying by the hour and paying premium rates for consultants just out of business school. Let me be straight out: I am worried but excited! Worried because I foresee a market shift that will erode and potentially eradicate the business model of management consultancy as we know it today. Exited because we (the readers), through InnovationManagement, have the chance to innovate the business model!

Exovation – the flip side of innovation

January 25th, 2010|

"It is unlikely that you have ever met the concept of exovation before; I invented it in April 2008. Invented? Yes, indeed – even if a Google search obtains a couple hundred hits; but they have nothing to do with the concept as I have defined it. You will see, presently." Read more in this weeks´ column by Bengt-Arne Vedin, PhD and Professor emeritus in innovation management.

Lean Innovation Management for SMEs

December 14th, 2009|

The use of innovation management increases your operational margins. This was one of the key findings of a European study on Innovation Management performance within SMEs. The growth champions were reaching approximately 12% operational margins, an exceptional performance compared to the 5% operational margin of the average SME. In this article Dr. Dirk Balfanz and Dr. Bernhard Kölmel describe a lean and efficient approach to Innovation Management specifically targeted to the needs of SMEs.

Fueling the recovery with new, high-octane business models

December 4th, 2009|

According to a recent survey of 65 senior executives of global companies, the large majority of firms are looking for innovation to drive growth. But they're not necessarily looking for the next great product or product feature. Instead, companies are putting greater focus on business models that create value for customers in new ways.

Why executives should spend more time and less cash

November 13th, 2009|

Innovation management as a topic is wider than any single website can hope to cover completely. Marcus Linder, an innovation researcher at Chalmers, offers a regular column at covering the most inspiring and actionable contents from other online sources, such as blogs and magazines. The first favorite link? Why executives should spend more time and less cash on innovative projects.

Creating actionable knowledge through close ties with industry

November 2nd, 2009|

Sofia Börjesson is Director of the Center for Business Innovation (CBI) at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg. She is Associate Professor in Technology Management and has extensive experience in leading university-company research projects. Professor Börjesson’s university office is frequently unoccupied – she spends a great deal of time visiting companies and organizations in order to see at first hand and to understand how they are working with innovation. She brings with her the latest academic trends based on the work of her group at CBI and their research in the field, in order to help firms to become more innovative and more efficient. asked her a few questions.

Intel Initiative Aims for More IT Enabled Innovation

November 2nd, 2009|

The Innovation Value Institute (IVI) is a unique industry-academic open innovation consortium. IVI researches and develops unifying frameworks and road-maps for IT and Business executives to create more value from IT and better deliver IT enabled innovation.

Focus on Business Model Innovation and Increase Growth

October 19th, 2009|

There are many different types of innovation, but business model innovation shows the strongest correlation with increased operating margin. Focus on Business Model Innovation is the first in a series of five articles by Gunjan Bhardwaj, head of Ernst & Young´s Global Business Performance Think-tank. The topics of the other articles are: Disruptive Innovation; Innovation in Networks; Social Innovation; and the Impact of Location on Innovation.

Meeting of innovative minds

September 22nd, 2009|

Henry Chesbrough, the father of open innovation, was one of the key note speakers when more than 500 innovative minds met on a European innovation conference in Lund, Sweden. asked him and some of the other participants a few questions.

Connect + Develop℠ with Procter & Gamble

May 28th, 2009|

At the heart of P&G’s design for growth is their capability to innovate. Over 50 % of innovation should be acquired from outside the company, according to CEO A G Lafley. Read more about how P&G works with open innovation through the concept of Connect + Develop.

Why Business Model Innovation Matters

May 26th, 2009|

Managers frequently rely on innovation to drive profitable growth. In many industries new products and services are fundamental. However, although product and service innovations are and have been important to firms for decades, competitive pressures and the search for increased profit have pushed business model innovation higher on the priority list.

100.000 Heads are Better than One

May 24th, 2009| got an exclusive interview with Ben du Pont, co-founder and president of, one of the world’s first open innovation platforms. Read more about Ben´s thoughts about open innovation and how companies can benefit from it.

What is business model innovation?

April 4th, 2008|

Chances are, you've heard of business model innovation. But what is it, really? Peter Skarczynski and Rowan Gibson, in their new book, Innovation to the Core: A Blueprint for Transforming How Your Company Innovates, provide a very clear and understandable explanation of this concept.