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  • Organization & Culture

    Read our most recent articles about organization and culture. Learn best practices in engaging your team, influencing leadership, and building a positive and productive workplace.

Leading Innovation within Government Agencies: What to Drive and What to Avoid

May 6th, 2019|

As innovation professionals, we too often look for inspiration from organizations such as Apple, Amazon, Tesla, Spotify, Google, etc. Cultures within these businesses are encourage transparency, experimentation and autonomy resulting in engaged workforce of the best and brightest minds, pumping out game changing products on-schedule, on-budget and on-point. We want that for the organizations that we support. We want to drive those behaviors.

How Businesses Can Better Support the Mental Health of Their Employees

April 30th, 2019|

To be successful, you must be the first one in and last one out. You must work extra hours, you must think about work, answer phone calls, reply to emails, even when you’re off the clock. You must put your personal life on hold to impress the boss. You must show your commitment to the company to ensure your place.

The Ultimate Corporate Innovation Playbook

April 15th, 2019|

Now, more than ever, the corporate innovation industry grows as quickly as the technology that drives it. Thus, corporate innovators must set up the right foundational framework to kickstart their efforts. This Ultimate Corporate Innovation Playbook provides that framework by examining:

The Future of Innovation: Learning to Lead with Heart

April 4th, 2019|

Design Thinking (DT), (also known as human-centered design) is an innovation process used to evolve products and services in business and social impact sectors. World-renowned companies like Apple, Google and GE use DT for business solutions, and top-tier colleges like Stanford, Harvard and MIT teach DT to students looking to solve the world’s biggest problems.

A New Value of Business Relationships

April 2nd, 2019|

Small companies developing new technologies strive to survive the process of technology development: they have scarce resources to engage in business relationships. Is there any value on which they are missing out?

3 Innovative Recruitment Techniques

March 18th, 2019|

It is likely that sooner or later (or even perhaps now) your business is going to be trying to fill an opening for a great job with an even greater candidate. For better or worse, there are a lot of great jobs out there, and it can be challenging for potential employees to find and apply to everything. This is exactly where human resources recruitment professionals can make a huge difference.

Is it Intrapreneurship or Innovation?

March 11th, 2019|

Intrapreneurship and innovation are intrinsically linked ideas when you’re talking about corporate innovation programs. Whether you’re calling it a corporate accelerator, an organizational incubator, an innovation management program, you’re relying on the thinkers, creators and mobilizers to share their inspiration and find ways to integrate that value into your organization.

The Importance of B2B Marketers and Their Impact on the Company

March 1st, 2019|

When it comes to B2B businesses, many companies do not put enough importance on the marketing department. Yes, marketing is an essential part of generating leads and customers for a B2B company. However, a lot more emphasis is placed on the sales and business development departments. But if the goal is in growing the company, it more important to give B2B marketers a greater role and responsibility.

Why Your Company Should Have a Data Driven Culture

February 15th, 2019|

The Information Age has made way for several innovations across the business world. While the business industry—much like the American educational system—has been slow to the uptake of implementing technological advancements into their marketing and planning strategies, the 2020s herald a new age for the use of data and technological advancement in companies big and small. 2019 is a fantastic transition year for learning how to use big data in a big way.

How To Effectively Deal With Unhappy Clients

January 21st, 2019|

No matter what the nature of your business is, you will inevitably encounter unhappy clients. Whether this is because it’s the fault of the company or something that couldn’t have been prevented – your first priority needs to be solving the problem.

How Customer Experience Affects a Company’s Revenue

December 14th, 2018|

Customer experience is perhaps the single most valuable and emphasized component of business operations. Both B2B and B2C companies greatly value the concept of creating exceptional customer experience as the bottom line of achieving revenue growth.

The Gig Economy and Workers’ Rights

December 3rd, 2018|

The gig economy is no longer simply a phrase that individuals existing as professional outliers use to describe themselves. Instead, the gig economy describes a substantial, rapidly growing part of modern society. If you aren’t a part of it, the odds are you know someone who is.

How the Leading Founders of Modern Business Start Their Days

November 30th, 2018|

Mornings can be a difficult time to get motivated. Often we hit our stride just before lunch time and lose that determination that keeps us going in the afternoon. Here’s how the most successful leaders in business power up their mornings to maximize their productivity.

How to Improve Your Company’s Productivity

November 29th, 2018|

Maintaining productivity and positivity in the workplace is an ongoing struggle for many businesses and employees. The grind of 9-to-5 life weighs on people and makes it hard to find excitement and motivation throughout the day.

5 New Tech Products Everyone Should Get

November 23rd, 2018|

Technology is continuously transforming the way people live on a daily basis. The rapid rate at which technology advances makes it one of the most unique influences on our society. From business operations to home-living, technology has found its way into every nook and cranny of human life.