Innovation Management Data Trends from 2021: What Can We Learn About 2022?
Many people have said that 2021 was 2020 Part II, but IdeaScale looked at some of our system data (as we do every year) to see what we could learn, and there are a few key trends we think are different from 2020, and that we think bode well for a creative 2022.
Is Innovation the Secret to Adapting to the Regenerative Future?
The inevitable changes ahead for our industries and for our way of life are just as profound as they were in previous shifts in eras. The Climate Action Sweepstakes is committed to supporting efforts that help companies step into the early days of the Regenerative Era with clarity, courage and maximum positive impact by leveraging the power of their employee network.
What Companies are Excelling at Innovation in 2021?
Every year, IdeaScale hosts the Innovation Management Awards to honor the work of organizations who are accessing the voice of the crowd and the power of digital innovation programs to generate extraordinary results. The competition has three categories: best innovation engagement strategy, best innovation process, and best innovation overall. Here’s what we can learn from this year’s winners.
How Remote Working Jumped the Queue in the Future of Work
The COVID-19 situation isn’t just affecting the way businesses work, it’s shaping discussions about how they will in future, too. Recent global events have affected businesses in unimaginable ways, testing them in a manner not seen in several generations. However, present circumstances have also fast-forwarded several conversations surrounding the future of work.
Coronavirus Crisis Only Heightens the Need for Innovation and Co-Creation
Those of us that work in the innovation management sector need no convincing of the benefits that it can bring to businesses and government departments all over the world. Adopting an innovative culture and approach allows an organisation to survive and thrive in the highly competitive modern business world and helps prevent them from becoming irrelevant or even obsolete.
8 Tips for Startup Entrepreneurs During COVID-19 Crisis
The coronavirus pandemic is turning out to be an international economic crisis, with ramifications for all industries and markets, similar to the crisis of 2008. A cross-border economic crisis affects companies large and small, challenging an organization's management and its employees.
The Opportunity has Never Been This Big for Reinsurers to Invest in Innovation and Startups
In recent years, reinsurance companies have been closely working with startups. Among such joint endeavours, one can count the scouting for new technologies in order to integrate them with clients (insurance companies) and commercial business relationships with startups to which they have provided reinsurance in cases of events related to the policy coverage.
Open Source Respirator and Low Cost Ventilator Efforts to Fight Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Calling all doctors, nurses, designers, engineers and designers: join one of the amazing Open Source Ventilator Projects to contribute your passion, creativity, time and expertise to help develop low-cost ventilators to fight the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Open Innovation Helps in the Fight Against COVID-19
The Coronavirus is having an equal impact on companies, giant conglomerates, and startups. Companies are dealing with the crisis in various ways - let's look at how in this article.
Digital Twins: A Smarter Way of Commerce
Digital twins, a new means of representing products in commerce, enable merchants to craft powerful experiences and connect easily to new sales channels.
Recent Innovations in Translation and Localization
In this article, we'll have a look at translation and localization industry trends. We'll learn the difference between the two, how they help companies connect with customers globally, and trends in both areas.
Why Digitalization Doesn’t Change the Way Companies Innovate
Will digitalization fundamentally change the way companies innovate? Our answer is no. While digital technologies hold enormous innovation potential, they belong to the sphere of “solutions” and are means to a higher purpose.
2020/1920 in Hindsight: Will 2020 Mark the Beginning of a New Era of Roaring Twenties?
There is no doubt that history is one of our greatest teachers, and the big question at this stage is whether history will, in fact, repeat itself. We'll compare workforce trends from the 1920s to the 2020s in this article.
The Future of Email Marketing: Trends and Predictions for 2020
The importance of email marketing when spreading the word about a product or service cannot be overstated. Studies show that for every dollar spent on your email marketing campaign, you can get up to $44 as your ROI. This is 44 times more than other marketing channels like TV ads.
Improving Safety in Extreme Work Environments through IoT
Sustainability is a widely known concept. However, finding a balance for its three main pillars (society, economy, and environment) is not easy. Society demands that companies respect and protect the environment while generating benefit, improving the country’s economy and respecting every member of society.
Looking to 2020 and Beyond: Innovation for Trust-Building in Local Government
It probably comes as no surprise that, according to Pew Research, trust in government is at an all-time low. An abysmally low 17 percent of Americans believe they can trust government to do what is right either all of the time or some of the time.
10 Ways Medical Innovation will Transform Our Lives Over the Next Decade
Emerging technologies look set to transform the healthcare industry. In this year's Global Innovation Index, Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), explores some of the innovations that could have the biggest impact in the next decade. Here's a summary of those findings from the report.
How Is Digital Innovation Changing Marketing?
In 2013, Adobe conducted a comprehensive research study and found that 76% of marketers believe that marketing changed more in the past 2 years than in the previous 50. Digital technologies were changing rapidly, impacting how marketers build their strategies and market to their audiences. Today, fast digital innovation has been replaced with the strategic implementation of new technologies in marketing.
How AI will Help us to Diagnose Disease Faster and More Accurately
Chinese internet-based technology and cultural enterprise Tencent is using AI innovations in medical imaging and data mining to provide better, faster, more comprehensive diagnoses. In this extract from the GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX 2019, Tencent’s Founder and Chief Executive Ma Huateng looks at the revolutionary impact of AI and big data in China’s healthcare service.
Four Ways Data is Improving Healthcare
Harnessing medical data can, and will, improve healthcare, writes GE Healthcare President and CEO Kieran Murphy in the GLOBAL INNOVATION INDEX 2019. This article is part of a series about the power of innovation to solve social and economic challenges. Stories and statistics are drawn from the World Intellectual Property Organization’s Global Innovation Index 2019.
May the 4th Industrial Revolution be with You, Part 5: ‘Money’s too Tight to Mention’
This article is the fifth in a series which takes an in-depth look at how the changes brought about by the advent of the 4th Industrial Revolution are playing out on the world stage and how these changes are literally revolutionising the way things are done both at home and in the workplace.
Social Media Pictures Led Stalker to His Victim’s Home: How to Avoid Risk Online
Expert Provides Tips on How to Protect Yourself and Your Photos Online
Vision for 2020: 5 Innovative Marketing Strategies to Try Out in the New Year
With each new year, marketers think about the success and failures of the current year, as well as what they're going to do better during the next.
How Does the Sharing Economy Motivate Technology Startups?
Technology startups can get motivated by offering solutions to the sharing economy companies and utilising the services offered by them.
The 3 C’s: Complex Problem Solving, Creativity and Critical Thinking – Core Soft Skills Required in the Workplace of the 4th Industrial Revolution
The next in our series on the 4th Industrial Revolution, from the Business Optimization Training Institute (BOTI). Start with Part I here.
6 Future-focused Ways Technology Will Affect Customer Service
For as long as businesses have existed, so has customer service. With each advance in technology, it appears the way organisations deliver customer service has evolved. Similarly, customers themselves have grown to expect faster responses, at almost all times of day.
Protecting Your Company From Cyber Attacks
If you're running a business that exists digitally small or large, you do need to understand cyber threats, also known as cyber attacks.
How Image Recognition Is Transforming the Automobile Industry
Image recognition will make our cars safer, more efficient and reliable. Learn how image recognition technology is improving.