Javier Megias is Branch Director at GMV, an international company based in Spain, where he also acts as member of the R&D board. He is specialized mainly on Innovation management and IT Governance, and his current consultancy and research work encompasses the social and economic impact on companies/government of innovative collaboration approaches. He also acts as an expert on the Information Technology (ICT) area for FP7 European R&D programme, and is member of the CEN (European Committee for Standardization) group for Innovation management.

Javier teaches Innovation and Strategy on several master programmes, and has published a number of papers and articles in various Journals and magazines. Javier has also coauthored two books and is a frequent speaker in conferences on social media, innovation and start-up strategy (given he is also a private investor or “Business Angel”).

More information about Javier can be found at his blog, www.javiermegias.com


Crowdsourcing 2.0: user-centred innovation meets social media

President Obama ‘crowdsourced’ a part of his political agenda with his change.gov initiative, which embraced the conversation and allowed users to identify topics that were important to them and vote on their relative importance. The addition of social media tools and philosophy to the mix resulted in a perfectly ordered list of the political issues that mattered most to US citizens.