Innovation Strategy2021-06-18T07:55:04-07:00

Addressing Business Innovation Gaps to Achieve Growth

July 9th, 2019|

Industry leaders recognize the importance of innovation in product development and business processes. Investing in the latest innovation seems like an ideal step forward, but it’s also a risky investment for anyone concerned with ROI. This can apply to anything from technological upgrades (and requisite training) to a change in management structure.

Focus on Business Model Innovation and Increase Growth

October 19th, 2009|

There are many different types of innovation, but business model innovation shows the strongest correlation with increased operating margin. Focus on Business Model Innovation is the first in a series of five articles by Gunjan Bhardwaj, head of Ernst & Young´s Global Business Performance Think-tank. The topics of the other articles are: Disruptive Innovation; Innovation in Networks; Social Innovation; and the Impact of Location on Innovation.

How to Increase Your ROI by Measuring and Managing Your Innovation

October 12th, 2009|

Studies have shown that companies’ return on innovation (ROI) or hit rate is somewhere between 2-10%. That is another way of saying that around 90% of all innovation efforts are never commercialised or used in general. Jørn Bang Andersen, senior advisor to the Nordic Innovation Centre (NICe), presents a NICe case study on possible ways to dramatically change that.

Does your Firm Have an Innovation Czar?

September 15th, 2009|

It never ceases to amaze me. I’m meeting with the executive committee of a major global company. I’ve just asked if innovation is one of their top strategic priorities. Their unanimous answer is “yes”. I then ask about their individual responsibilities. “Which one of you is the CFO?” “Who is head of HR?” “Where’s the CIO?” One by one their hands go up. Yet when I ask to see their global director of innovation, nobody raises a hand. Everyone just looks at me with a blank expression. So, sure, this company understands the innovation imperative. But nobody in its leadership team is directly responsible – or accountable – for making innovation happen across the organization. And they don’t even seem to be aware of the paradox.

A 100-day plan for innovation

August 31st, 2009|

Successful organizations always have one eye on current operations and one eye on the future. Anticipating your customer's needs and developing a strategy to get there is what separates the quick from the dead.

The customer pyramid of innovation

May 31st, 2009|

Customer input to the innovation process can range from non-existent or reactive up to proactive. The level depends on the company culture and its history/success with past innovations. Proactive customer involvement provides the best atmosphere for successful innovation.

Why Business Model Innovation Matters

May 26th, 2009|

Managers frequently rely on innovation to drive profitable growth. In many industries new products and services are fundamental. However, although product and service innovations are and have been important to firms for decades, competitive pressures and the search for increased profit have pushed business model innovation higher on the priority list.

The people focus in innovation

May 8th, 2009|

Blogger Stefan Lindegaard recently threw down a challenge to innovation practitioners: Where are people in your innovation processes? Here are some of the many ways you can focus on the people part of your innovation initiatives.

How to define your strategy

April 30th, 2009|

The key element in developing business strategy is to define your intent. A company's intent could be to lead in some markets, and be a follower in another. A company can be a niche player, or a low cost leader, or the high value leader. Whatever the selection, it should be based on the desire to win and to determine what can be versus what is.