
Why you Should Treat Business Model Innovation as a Fully Established Discipline

August 11th, 2014|

While most companies focus their innovation efforts on new products, others like Amazon and Netflix are disrupting industries with business model innovation --a cheaper, easier and more powerful form of innovation. spoke about business model innovation with professors Netessine and Girotra, authors of the new book “The risk-driven business model”

“We are in a Major Paradigm Shift”

September 22nd, 2009|

We are in the middle of a huge shift in our economy. According to Eric von Hippel, one of the hottest names in the area of innovation, that also includes a major paradigm shift, from closed manufacturer-centered innovation to an innovation system centered on “open” - intellectual property-free - innovation that is often developed by users. Manufacturers have to learn how to adapt their business models to this.

Use the Creativity of Users to Develop Better Innovations

September 22nd, 2009|

There is an urgent need to rethink the way firms innovate. We need to change from a manufacturer-active perspective to a user-active perspective, according to professor Nikolaus Franke of Vienna University. The Lead user method, Toolkits for user innovation and Innovation communities. These are three ways that firms can apply to benefit from users innovativeness and create better innovations and more value and growth.

Is Denmark a Lead User of User Driven Innovation?

September 22nd, 2009|

You might think so since the world’s first government sponsored user driven innovation program is to be found in Denmark. The program aims to strengthen the diffusion of methods for user driven innovation and to contribute to increased growth in the participating companies. It also aims to increase user satisfaction and/or increased efficiency in participating public institutions. Søren Tegen Pedersen is the Deputy Director at the administrative authority of the program.

Meeting of innovative minds

September 22nd, 2009|

Henry Chesbrough, the father of open innovation, was one of the key note speakers when more than 500 innovative minds met on a European innovation conference in Lund, Sweden. asked him and some of the other participants a few questions.

Creativity in business: An interview with Paul Scheele

August 5th, 2009|

This is the first in a series of posts based on interviews and dialogues with creativity and innovation thought leaders around the topic of applied creativity in business. In this interview, Paul Scheele, chairman of Natural Brilliance Productions, shares his thoughts on business creativity, creative leadership and the emerging business paradigm.

100.000 Heads are Better than One

May 24th, 2009| got an exclusive interview with Ben du Pont, co-founder and president of, one of the world’s first open innovation platforms. Read more about Ben´s thoughts about open innovation and how companies can benefit from it.

How do you Measure Innovation Results and Outcomes?

December 12th, 2008|

The sixth major issue to be tackled by our distinguished panel of innovation practitioners is the all-import issue of metrics: How do you measure innovation results and outcomes and motivate the organization to deliver across all stages of the process, and what are the best metrics for measuring innovation performance?

Learn to think visually – or else

August 29th, 2008|

Jamie Nast, author of the popular book Idea Mapping and the Idea Mapping Success Blog, is one of the most world's most prolific trainers and speakers on the topic of visual mapping. In this interview, she explains why it

How do you Connect Innovation to Business Strategy?

March 19th, 2008|

The third major issue to be tackled by our distinguished panel of innovation practitioners is connecting innovation to business strategy. Specifically, how do you connect innovation to business strategy, and get the funding and senior management commitment to follow through on both short- and long-term innovation initiatives?

How Do You Define Innovation and Make It Practical and Saleable to Senior Management?

January 7th, 2008|

The first major issue to be tackled by our distinguished panel of innovation practitioners is innovation itself. How do you define innovation? And how can you make it understandable and saleable to your organization’s senior management team? As expected, our panelists shared some keen insights and practical strategies that you can benefit from.