30 Ways to Present a New Idea

Most new ideas don’t lead to new successful products or services. Six out of seven new concepts never reach the market. Lack of support at top management is an important explanation. In my professional practice I made - and saw a lot of mistakes being made in the way innovators present their ideas.

Ten Criteria for the Perfect New Product

What a brilliant idea! That’s what a lot of people think after a new idea pops into their minds. Or it’s something someone says at the end of a wonderful ideation workshop where a team of colleagues has just brainstormed new concepts. Of course, at that very moment it looks and feels like utter brilliance. Just like adoring parents swooning over their child. But, in this instance is it really justified?

28 Idea Killers

Every one of us knows reasons why creativity and innovation are stopped in our organizations. It happens everyday, everywhere in the world. And every time a good idea is stopped, it’s one too many. That’s why I present in chapter five of my new book ‘The Innovation Expedition’, which you can download at the top of this article, a great list of 28 idea killers.

Effective Innovators Start with a Problem

Innovation is difficult because your potential users need to change their behavior. And why should they? That’s the question! You will have to give them a strong reason why! So start solving a relevant problem.

What’s Your Innovation Focus?

Often there’s suddenly an urgent need for something new. We need to innovate. But what are we looking for? If that’s unclear, how can you come up with new concepts that will make everybody happy?

Innovation is No Walk in the Park

The life cycle of products decreased by factor 4 the last fifty years. Innovation is essential. But it is difficult, risky and it demands a lot of resources. It’s no walk in the park. Innovation is an expedition.

How To Innovate The Expedition Way

Innovation is essential. But it is difficult and risky. Inspired by great explorers like Columbus, Magellan, Amundsen, Hillary and Armstrong a method for ideating new concepts was developed, designed as an expedition.

The 7 All-time Greatest Ideation Techniques

Which brainstorming techniques should you use to attack your next innovation challenge? Here are the "super seven" that innovation consultant Bryan Mattimore says have the advantages of being easy to learn, flexible to adapt to different types of creative challenges and are diverse enough to deliver different types of ideas.

2021-12-20T16:30:21-08:00May 30th, 2013|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , |

How to Clear your Mind of Distractions and Free it up for Creative Thinking

Do you ever find that distractions get in the way of your creative thinking time? Is your mind buzzing, heading off in many different directions, sapping your energy for brainstorming? Tom Wujec, author of Five Star Mind: Games & Puzzles to Stimulate Your Creativity & Imagination, offers a clever solution to this common problem.

2021-12-05T16:57:36-08:00May 29th, 2013|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , |

How to Pick the Right Idea?

Often times coming up with new ideas is not the hard part. In this example, a team came up with 752 new business ideas in a single workshop. But how can you pick the ‘right’ ideas? Gijs van Wulfen shares five lessons that he has learned in his innovation practice.

If Ideas are the Seeds of Innovation…

Innovation is a product of human activity. Innovation keeps life interesting, yet it begins first, with ideation: the creation of a new thought or idea. In the following article, innovation practitioner Robert Brands shares a few idea management tips to help companies get back to the business of ideation.

2021-12-05T09:29:45-08:00January 21st, 2013|Categories: Enabling Factors, Idea Management|Tags: , , , , |

Random Word Brainstorming: A Simple, Powerful and Effective Ideation Technique

Word lists, because of their simplicity, are often overlooked as a tool for brainstorming. That's too bad, because they can be quite powerful and are very easy to use. They leverage the mind's awesome associative powers to help us uncover new connections, insights and ideas.

2021-12-20T16:28:12-08:00December 26th, 2012|Categories: Strategies|Tags: , , , , |