Pulp Innovation Chapter XLIX: Building Innovation Momentum

Marlowe and Susan present their strategic innovation plan to the senior executives at Accipiter, recommending incremental innovation for organic growth, and disruptive innovation in new products. The question is, have they created enough innovation momentum to convince management to take on two simultaneous innovation projects?

Pulp Innovation Chapter XLII: Establishing an Operating Model for Innovation

Accipiter needs to establish the “rules” and expectations for innovation, and provide the programs and procedures to reinforce those programs, so innovation remained true to the goals of the organization. Marlowe takes the first steps to lead them in the right direction.

2019-10-15T15:09:09-07:00January 6th, 2012|Categories: Pulp Innovation, Serialized Book|Tags: , |

Pulp Innovation Chapter XL: Protecting IP in an Open Innovation Community

Now that Accipiter has decided to create an open innovation community it’s time to iron out the details. The IT department has clear concerns about data privacy and security. Meanwhile, Marlowe narrows in on the community goals and making sure they map those goals to the selected software.

2019-10-15T15:09:12-07:00December 23rd, 2011|Categories: Pulp Innovation, Serialized Book|Tags: , , |

Pulp Innovation Chapter XXXIX: Follow the Innovation Leader

Marlowe struggles with a client who has decided to build an innovation community in 90 days without any consideration for the structure, support and funding to carry out such an operation. Can Marlowe manage to take the lead or will they develop a half-hearted endeavor to collect ideas?

2019-10-15T15:09:13-07:00December 16th, 2011|Categories: Pulp Innovation, Serialized Book|Tags: , |