By: Kevin Faber
The global technological advancement has been ongoing for many decades now. The ability to generate big data by companies concerning their clientele and customers is an opportunity that to exploit and transform into huge returns on paydays. Venturing into data analytics can form a source of income for many more people globally as big data continues to get more use.
Advanced technology has created opportunities, which many sectors of the global economy have been utilizing to attain a competitive edge over competitors. Utilization of technological innovations and inventions in various industries as entrepreneurs continue to strive to understand their customers better, which will enable them, provide services and goods, which meet needs.
Role of Big Data in generating income
Understanding the importance of big data will enable an individual to generate income through data analytics and its related application in the commercial sphere. You can use big data can be used in income generation as explained below.
Helping firms in the transition towards being eco-friendly: The increasing awareness of the need to promote sustainable manufacturing and production has seen many industries decide to incorporate eco-friendly technologies in their processes. Global climate change has been haunting many societies with the most vulnerable being those in poor countries. Adverse climatic changes have been felt in poor societies where they are now facing acute food shortages, disease outbreaks, and diminishing arable lands.
As an entrepreneur who wishes to turn big data into a payday, you can utilize data generated by companies on their waste generation and disposal and help them incorporate greener technologies. As global firms put deliberate policy and operational targets to reduce their ecological footprints, helping them in the process of achieving them can help you turn big data into huge paydays.
Using Big Data Analytics to Grow your Customer Base: Sales reflect the level of returns that business people get and are often available in daily, monthly, or annual records. Increasing your sales will help you in increasing your stock turn over hence more profits. The ability to grow your customer base depends on the number of loyal clients that your firm retains. Customer loyalty, on the other hand, will increase when there is impressible customer experience.
Data analytics helps you to invest in customer satisfaction through continuous service and product improvements, which results in excellent customer experience. Customer loyalty will increase sales and lead to huge paydays for business owners.
Reduction in the Maintenance Costs through taking precautionary measures with an aim to cut operational costs: Prevention of malfunctions will help reduce maintenance costs for companies compared to repairing breakdowns. Big data analytics can be used to ensure that employees get better pays since the costs that could have been utilized on servicing machine breakdowns will be saved through regular maintenance. Diverting savings made from proper machine servicing to employee remuneration leads to better paydays for them.
Provision of data analytics consultation to firms helps increase payday for service providers: Many companies currently seek external advisory services on big data analysis in an attempt to understand their clientele. Investing in the provision of such consultation services provides sources of income to data analysis experts and those working in its related fields. Income generation through big data analysis helps in upscaling an individual’s payday finances.
Understanding big data analysis can help firm owners to use spark transformations in terms of collaborations with other related companies and big data analysis. For instance, data analytics on waste generation from a company is required when determining whether the waste can be used as a raw material for a new company. Recycling of wastes helps increase the payday for firm owners as they use easily available resources in the form of wastes to manufacture other products.
About the author
Kevin Faber is the CEO of Silver Summit Capital. He graduated from UC Davis with a B.A. in Business/Managerial Economics. In his free time, Kevin is usually watching basketball or kicking back and reading a good book.
Follow him on Twitter: @faber28kevin
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