Innovation Strategy2021-06-18T07:55:04-07:00

Three Steps to Becoming a Data Leader

July 4th, 2019|

In the aftermath of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), businesses aren’t crying out for data superheroes; but for a complete, well-drilled data army. According to Gartner's Research Vice President, Mario Faria, 90% of businesses will employ a Chief Data Officer (CDO) by the end of this year. However, in a world increasingly governed by data, it is no longer the sole responsibility of a c-suite to ensure compliance – every individual is equally accountable for protecting consumers’ privacy.

Innovation strategy: What business are we in?

December 22nd, 2008|

What is it that your business really sells? What is the true value that customers get from your products or services? When you know the answers to these questions you can start to conceive new ways to provide that value. It is the starting point for real innovation, according to Paul Sloane.

The innovation ‘war room’

November 25th, 2008|

The key to surviving the global downturn is to focus on strategic renewal - adapting your company and its business models and strategies to the new market conditions - according to author Rowan Gibson.

How do you Connect Innovation to Business Strategy?

March 19th, 2008|

The third major issue to be tackled by our distinguished panel of innovation practitioners is connecting innovation to business strategy. Specifically, how do you connect innovation to business strategy, and get the funding and senior management commitment to follow through on both short- and long-term innovation initiatives?

Creating a Culture of Innovation

September 5th, 2007|

Years of cost-cutting and focus on process excellence have created in many firms a culture that is focused on operational excellence and risk avoidance. For innovation to succeed as a corporate objective, the culture must change to accommodate the risk and uncertainty that accompanies an innovation focus. Luckily, several important levers can help you change the culture, as Jeffrey Phillips explains.

Questioning: An Underutilized Innovation Strategy

October 11th, 2006|

One of the most powerful innovation tools available to every member of a group - be it a team, a company division or an organization - is a tool that those individuals are often reluctant to use. The tool I am talking about, of course, is: questioning.

Innovation strategy: Leveraging the power of being an outsider

September 29th, 2006|

Why is it that, in industry after industry, it's almost always the outsider that develops the breakthrough innovations? Paul Graham, in a ChangeThis essay entitled The Power of the Marginal, tackles this issue and comes up with some really intriguing insights. He deconstructs the power of the outsider, and offers some helpful strategies for thinking like one.

The Great Innovation Lie

December 7th, 2005|

Often, organizations have a tendency to turn innovation into a highly complex system involving numerous processes, approaches and models. Here's a little secret: It doesn't need to be complex to be effective.

How to connect corporate objectives and investment in innovation

October 5th, 2005|

Innovation may be the watchword of the executive team, but desire does not necessarily lead to the right level of real, sustained commitment. Now, a recent study by Imaginatik Research, building on previous work on the financial impact of innovation, has uncovered a simple, compelling connection between corporate objectives, and the generation and management of ideas and business opportunities.

A Process for Innovation Planning

August 10th, 2005|

All too often, hastily planned brainstorming sessions bring up a lot of good ideas that somehow never get used, while the boring kinds of ideas you are trying to get away from seem to be used again and again. One reason for this is the lack of an innovation plan, according to Jeffrey Baumgartner.

Innovation: A Leadership Issue

June 13th, 2005|

Creating a sustainable innovative environment is a leadership task. In order to succeed at this task, leaders must develop innovative abilities and develop them in their constituents. Here's how.

The power of principles in innovation

April 12th, 2005|

Imagine what you could accomplish in your organization if you were able to learn and understand the foundational principles of innovation. Andrew Papageorge has formulated three such guiding principles that can help you to innovate more swiftly and effectively.

Failure is the Mother of Innovation

October 13th, 2004|

The organization that implements lots of ideas will most likely have many failures but the chances are, it will reap some mighty successes too. By trying numerous initiatives we improve our chances that one of them will be a star, according to author Paul Sloane.