Product Development2021-06-18T07:55:12-07:00
  • Product Development

    Read our most recent articles about product development. Learn best practices in R&D, and how you can solve the most pressing problems for your stakeholders.

Unlocking “Pipeline Gridlock:” Effective Portfolio Management is the Key

November 8th, 2021|

Too many projects in the development pipeline is a common but serious complaint in new-product development departments. Pipeline gridlock leads to under-resourced development projects, which end up taking too long to get to market, and then often under-perform. Solutions are offered—Gates with Teeth, Red Flags, and the Productivity Index—to achieve a more balanced development pipeline with fewer projects but better projects.

Four Ways to Innovate Right Now

July 2nd, 2020|

While the pandemic has been difficult for all us economically, as business owners, we never run out of opportunities. No matter the business climate, there is always a chance to do something new and something better—you just have to find it.

Why Your Innovation Process is a Recipe for Failure

May 7th, 2020|

Having a process for the front end of innovation is necessary but not sufficient. It also requires proper levels of funding, and a governance structure to support it. In this article, we'll look at how these aspects tie together, and how your company can support your full innovation lifecycle.

The Key Steps Innovation Professionals Should Take in a COVID-19 Environment

April 15th, 2020|

Obviously COVID-19 is having an enormous impact on all aspects of our lives, with the scope and scale of business disruption being immense and incredibly challenging. But disruption is what innovation people are generally excellent at responding to, so the question becomes - “how do you and your team support your organisations within this environment?”

Digital Transformation and Its Impact on New-Product Management for Manufacturers

March 11th, 2020|

For the manufacturer undertaking new-product development, Digital Transformation means smart new products with embedded software. Digital products in turn require software and hardware development teams to work together – a hybrid project – which ultimately leads to combining software development methods with the more traditional gating process that manufacturers use.

What Innovation Funnel Should I Use?

February 3rd, 2020|

After a decade working in innovation, I think many of us are sick and tired of seeing a funnel on another slide at an innovation conference. Lots of ideas at the top, just a few implemented ideas at the bottom… we get the idea.

5 Tips to Create a Strong Product Vision

January 28th, 2020|

Every startup and growth-oriented business needs to focus on innovation in order to come up with compelling brand stories and messages, engaging products and services, and amazing marketing tactics that will put the company on the map and allow it to become an authority in its niche.

Digital Factory of the Incumbent: Software of the Mind

May 15th, 2019|

This paper was originally published on, the 11th of September, 2018. Republished here with permission from the author.

Technological changes are one of the leading advocators to shape customer value. They are characterized by a process of social technological variations, rooted in different disciplines e.g., economics, sociology, and psychology.

The Future of Innovation: Learning to Lead with Heart

April 4th, 2019|

Design Thinking (DT), (also known as human-centered design) is an innovation process used to evolve products and services in business and social impact sectors. World-renowned companies like Apple, Google and GE use DT for business solutions, and top-tier colleges like Stanford, Harvard and MIT teach DT to students looking to solve the world’s biggest problems.

The State of Crowdsourced Innovation in 2019

March 25th, 2019|

Looking to the crowd for knowledge isn’t a new concept. The Sydney Opera House was the result of an open call for designs to a global community (to which 233 people submitted ideas) and the now-iconic building was selected from amongst them.

Why Your Company Should Have a Data Driven Culture

February 15th, 2019|

The Information Age has made way for several innovations across the business world. While the business industry—much like the American educational system—has been slow to the uptake of implementing technological advancements into their marketing and planning strategies, the 2020s herald a new age for the use of data and technological advancement in companies big and small. 2019 is a fantastic transition year for learning how to use big data in a big way.

How to Develop Innovative Leaders

September 14th, 2018|

There is no arguing that in today’s marketplace companies must innovate to survive. There is more pressure now than at any other time in history for innovation, especially if companies want to be industry leaders. This is because rapidly changing technology is continually driving changes in markets and shifting trends in customer behavior and expectations.

How to Keep Your Employees from Losing their Creativity

March 1st, 2018|

The most successful businesses and corporations in the world place employee satisfaction on the same pedestal as customer satisfaction. These corporations understand that without a loyal, creative, and cohesive team of satisfied employees, success cannot be attained.

What are Circular Business Models (CBM)?

November 16th, 2017|

Shortly, the demands and needs of approximately nine billion people will be about three times the current resources. At this time challenges will accelerate for the deficiencies of resources and enormous production of waste. Circular Business Models (CBM) is the solution for not only improving resource management and decreasing waste production but also reducing costs and expanding firm performance.

Design Thinking: the Road Towards Innovation

October 11th, 2017|

Design thinking is methodology that combines creativity and logic to improve operations, products, and decision-making. Its iterative cycle identifies a need or opportunity and ultimately improves profitability by adding to your knowledge, and boosting productivity.