The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 13

Part thirteen of the series finds our leader Charlie Bangbang at a crossroads. The Idea Mill Program for Collaborative Innovation has gone well. The Dirty Maple Flooring Company has already seen—or has perhaps felt—at this early date the effects of positive change, as people begin to express their potential for leadership in new and compelling ways. What possibilities are worth pursuing now?

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 12

Part twelve of the series finds the Idea Mill Program for collaborative innovation bearing fruit in authentic, unexpected ways. Do we have the courage to nurture the right environment in the knowledge—the faith—that good outcomes will result? That people will see the chance to realize their potential for leadership, and take it? Lastly, is it wise, ever, to order the vegetarian special menu for lunch at the local watering hole that features scenes from the hunt on its walls?

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 11

Part eleven of the series finds challenge participant Carlos Gutierrez embracing his role in the global economy. How might the practice of collaborative innovation help people find their way forward in the Digital Age? How might the practice give people a voice?

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 10

Part ten of the series finds challenge team members Ivete Monte and Carlos Suerte comparing notes. How has the first collaborative innovation challenge from the Idea Mill Program been received in their respective regions? What reservations does each have?

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 09

Part nine of the series finds our protagonist Charlie Bangbang’s collaborative innovation challenge reaching its intended audience. How might various people along the community’s value stream react? What ideas might they contribute?

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 08

Part eight of the series finds our protagonist Charlie Bangbang working on the internal communications for launching the first collaborative innovation challenge at The Dirty Maple Flooring Company. How might he weave the business goals for the challenge into the introductory language?

The Innovation Toolkit with 37 Inspiring Tools

Innovation is highly relevant to every organization. Yet, eighty percent of innovation projects never reach the market. Many have a false start. My new book is written to inspire you with practical tools on HOW to start innovation effectively. The process of innovation is a process that many struggle to master.“What is the right moment?” “How do I discover what customers want?” “How do I get breakthrough ideas?” “How do I get internal support?

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 07

Organizations shake and remake themselves to survive and thrive in the Digital Age. What critical conversations need to happen? What processes need to change? How might the practice of collaborative innovation help people find their way forward?

New Rules for Realizing New Ideas

Once you’ve got the green light from your boss, your innovation board or financer, it’s once again up to you to deliver the concept you’ve promised them.Depending on the nature of your new concept,in the next step you will deliver a prototype, a full business case or interested business or technology partners who will join the product development team.

30 Ways to Present a New Idea

Most new ideas don’t lead to new successful products or services. Six out of seven new concepts never reach the market. Lack of support at top management is an important explanation. In my professional practice I made - and saw a lot of mistakes being made in the way innovators present their ideas.

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 06

Organizations shake and remake themselves to survive and thrive in the Digital Age. What critical conversations need to happen? What processes need to change? How might the practice of collaborative innovation help people find their way forward?

Ten Criteria for the Perfect New Product

What a brilliant idea! That’s what a lot of people think after a new idea pops into their minds. Or it’s something someone says at the end of a wonderful ideation workshop where a team of colleagues has just brainstormed new concepts. Of course, at that very moment it looks and feels like utter brilliance. Just like adoring parents swooning over their child. But, in this instance is it really justified?

28 Idea Killers

Every one of us knows reasons why creativity and innovation are stopped in our organizations. It happens everyday, everywhere in the world. And every time a good idea is stopped, it’s one too many. That’s why I present in chapter five of my new book ‘The Innovation Expedition’, which you can download at the top of this article, a great list of 28 idea killers.

The Dirty Maple Flooring Company Enters the Digital Age: Part 05

Organizations shake and remake themselves to survive and thrive in the Digital Age. What critical conversations need to happen amongst stakeholders? What processes need to change? How might the practice of collaborative innovation help people find their way forward?

Effective Innovators Start with a Problem

Innovation is difficult because your potential users need to change their behavior. And why should they? That’s the question! You will have to give them a strong reason why! So start solving a relevant problem.