Innovation Strategy2021-06-18T07:55:04-07:00

Calculating the ROI of an Idea: Ideas That Saved Time

September 29th, 2021|

Crowdsourcing and open innovation initiatives are vital by bringing vast stakeholders together to share ideas on complex problems and opportunities. Much of the focus is set on engaging the crowd yet deciding which ideas to take a risk on requires data on the likely impacts and costs. 

Key Trends in Transportation Innovation

September 24th, 2018|

When people think of the transportation industry, they are often thinking of auto manufacturers, but it includes a wealth of other companies and products: from shipping and logistics firms, to travel transportation, non-motorized transport (like bicycles) and more.

Innovation Stories from Surprising Sectors

September 17th, 2018|

When IdeaScale put out a call for speakers at this year’s Open Nation (the annual innovation conference hosted by IdeaScale), we were pleased to see an influx of interest from some surprising sectors.

How to Develop Innovative Leaders

September 14th, 2018|

There is no arguing that in today’s marketplace companies must innovate to survive. There is more pressure now than at any other time in history for innovation, especially if companies want to be industry leaders. This is because rapidly changing technology is continually driving changes in markets and shifting trends in customer behavior and expectations.

The Five Digital Flavors of Innovation

September 11th, 2018|

Innovation must become your business routine and corporate culture to renew creative energy. Digital innovation has a broader spectrum and the hybrid nature. It comes in the variety of flavors and there are many opportunities in an enterprise to taste it. The companies who get the most from innovation effort have the right ambition, open leadership, and culture quintessential.

AI and Customer Experience: Will the Marriage Work?

September 6th, 2018|

Artificial Intelligence, like other digital transformations, have been commemorated in the field of customer experience for many years. However, it’s now the rage and this technology has been touching the sky. Today, the AI technology with its potential to mimic the human interactions have been so widely embraced by both the customers and brands that there’s no denying the fact that the AI in customer experience marriage will definitely work.

The Rise of Immersive Customer Experiences

September 3rd, 2018|

In the business world of the modern day, your company either stays ahead of the curve or falls behind. Advertising is one of the best ways to get consumers engaged with a company, but advertisements often annoy the public.

What Role Does Research Play in Innovation?

August 6th, 2018|

A lot of innovation programs have naturally grown out of research and development groups, but most true innovation is a departure from what’s come before so what role does the “research” in “research and development” play in innovation?

It’s All About Interaction!

August 1st, 2018|

The central role of Interaction Design when creating delightful customer experiences

Organisations depend on their competitive advantage in order to become or keep successful, relevant for their customers and grow over time. As we all know, competitive advantage is achieved via either one – or a combination - of the strategies involving pricing, service and product quality or customer service excellence. We argue that another overarching strategy should always be present in a company’s strategy; delivering an excellent, desirable and memorable customer experience.

5 Ways AI Can Improve Your Company

July 17th, 2018|

The technology world is changing at a very fast pace and new trends keep on emerging every day. The latest product that has received a warm reception and excited many business managers is Artificial Intelligence. Everybody is fascinating about AI because it promises to be an effective way of performing routine tasks and can be applied to the various sectors of the economy.

Which Fintech Businesses Will Prevail in the Digital Future

July 2nd, 2018|

One of the most popular resources that IdeaScale has ever created was our white paper about how crowdsourcing was going to impact the financial sector. I think the reason why that white paper was so popular was because crowdsourcing was just one of many emerging trends that were beginning to shake up the financial sector. Other financial trends included the emergence of blockchain, sophisticated hacker schemes, and much (MUCH) more.

Big Data Solutions for Small Business Owners

June 28th, 2018|

Data analytics is a powerful tool, one that has the capacity to benefit small businesses just as easily as larger and more well-established organizations. While many new startups lack the in-house resources and expertise needed to generate, collate and analyze large volumes of data in order to produce useful insight, there are a variety of services and resources that can provide an ideal solution. The information gleaned through data analytics can be of immense benefit to business owners. Finding the big data solutions that are best suited to their needs and budget is no longer a concern that business owners can afford to take lightly.

Using Failure to Spur Innovation

June 26th, 2018|

It hurts to fail. The feeling of defeat can make even the hardest of workers feel worthless. It’s hard to face the reality that your work or dreams won’t live up to your expectations, and giving up might seem like the next step. However, failure teaches important lessons, and though it seems contradictory, it can often lead to success. Failure gives you the necessary experience you need to improve, but more importantly, it teaches you to get back up.

Using the Innovation Sophistication Index

June 25th, 2018|

How can you assess how innovative your business is? The Innovation Sophistication Index is a list of just 24 statements. For each statement you score one point if you fully agree with it for your organization. Please try the list below.

Reasons Why You Should Constantly Innovate Your Website

June 11th, 2018|

In today’s business world the quality of your website can either make or break your company. It is one of the main means of communication with your customers and potential business partners. In addition, you can represent your brand, company values, and products. But simply creating an ordinary website is never enough, it requires constant work and upgrades so as to follow the ever-changing tech demands, along with the growing needs of new users.