Innovation Strategy2021-06-18T07:55:04-07:00

Five Questions to Answer Before Crowdsourcing

June 24th, 2021|

As the director of the IdeaScale Crowd community, I recently had the opportunity to share some insights and best practices for innovators who are new to crowdsourcing, and may not have conducted their first campaign yet. We discussed five questions to ask as you prepare for your first campaign, why those questions are important, and some examples of good and bad answers to those questions.

Improving Communication for a More United Workforce

March 10th, 2018|

Many companies around America struggle with communication between the management, the employees, and every level for that matter. Unfortunately, bad communication can lead to lower production and even conflict within the company, squandering sales and hurting reputation.

Use These 7 Hacks to Become a More Successful Entrepreneur

February 7th, 2018|

Why do most small businesses fail within their first year? The answers you'll get will vary depending on who you ask. I think it comes down to one thing - habits. Successful entrepreneurs engage in the right behaviors on a consistent basis, while struggling entrepreneurs practice limiting behaviors on a consistent basis. Here are 7 things to incorporate into your routine to make you a better entrepreneur.

Imagine a Bigger Better World: An Innovative Leap by Sir Tim Berners-Lee

February 1st, 2018|

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He created its three fundamental components: the formatting language HTML, the address system URL, and the HTTP system for linking sites. He was born in 1955 and grew up in London. As a schoolboy he was an avid trainspotter. He learnt about electronics from tinkering with a model railway. He gained a first-class honours degree in physics at Oxford University and became a software engineer.

How to Drive More Innovation In Your Workforce

January 30th, 2018|

Let’s face it, creativity separates humans from the rest of the animals. Our species has opposable thumbs and with that, it seems, the inborn drive and ability to alter our environment. No wonder the topic of innovation ability provokes such primal emotions. Yet — like speed, intelligence or artistic talent — innovation talent is NOT distributed evenly across humanity. Given this truth, what is the best approach to driving more innovation in your workforce?

How to Connect Innovation to Institutional Learning

January 22nd, 2018|

In November, the United States Coast Guard presented at Open Nation on their Coast Guard ideas program. They talked about how lessons learned from previous extreme weather occurrences (Sandy, etc.) still hadn’t become institutional knowledge by the 2017 hurricane season when they were so desperately needed. The reason that this hadn’t happened was that all of the methods for collecting new ideas were slow and opaque.

Safe Ways to Manage Secure Documents

January 16th, 2018|

Every business deals with sensitive information and documents - from personal data relating to clients to important company plans. It is therefore of upmost importance that all such secure documents are handled and managed in the safest ways possible to avoid any leaks or losses. There are many ways to ensure that your secure documents remain that way, whether you are dealing with electronic or hard copies.

How to Choose the Right Technology for Your Startup

January 11th, 2018|

In today’s era of hyperconnectivity, technology is the backbone of every successful business, irrespective of its size. For your startup, the choice of right hardware and software pieces means not only managing your team properly, but also boosting their productivity, getting the most of every project, and saving a lot of time and money.

Is Innovation Data About More Than Ideas?

January 8th, 2018|

Anyone who is managing their innovation program with innovation software is generally amassing a wealth of data. Many people are looking at that data on an individual idea-level, but it’s actually possible to start looking at that data and identifying new themes, trends, or topics that will inform your strategy in the coming years by grouping that information on tags, text analysis, and more. It can be a trend early-warning system if you pay attention to it.

Innovation of National Trade Associations

December 27th, 2017|

All over the world, members of most national trade associations, no longer wish to pay heavy dues just to wait a year to spend few days in an annual convention, receive quarterly newsletters and some educational webinars. They find all these too slow and very boring.

Integrating Schools and Industry for a More Innovative Society

December 19th, 2017|

Author is suggesting that with the advent of the 4th industrial revolution children ought to start contributing to progress at the age of 6 years, through a learning-oriented but paid work for 3 hours per day, indeed with involvement in the hi-tech end of things. The future is now, and there is no more learning and preparing for the future.

Is Your Innovation Program Successful?

December 19th, 2017|

In an Innovation Point article, Founder Soren Kaplan notes that only one third of Fortune 1000 companies have defined innovation metrics. And yet 77% of business leaders see innovation as a priority. How is it possible that something that is so important to business leaders doesn’t have a defined set of KPIs?

Innovative Design Elements That Will Improve Your Website

December 8th, 2017|

Websites are the heart and core of every modern business. Your entire marketing efforts and promotions are supposed to lead visitors to your website and convert them into customers. In a sense, a business website is there to seal the deal. However, no matter how good your marketing efforts are, if your website isn't good enough, your potential customers will simply leave. In addition, online consumers have certain expectations when it comes to business websites, such as good functionality, speed, user-friendliness and so on.

Innovation and Cost Savings

December 4th, 2017|

Even if your organization doesn’t yet have an embedded innovation program, I can guarantee that your organization cares about finding opportunities for savings. That’s why programs like LEAN and Six Sigma continue to do so well. There are always new ways to improve efficiency and time saved almost always means money saved.

How to Present a Perfect Innovative Pitch

November 28th, 2017|

If you want to win, you need to be smart. As a pitch presenter, you’re ought to not just capture the attention of your prospects but also win their hearts. In today’s marketplace, innovation is highly appreciated and wanted. Coming up with a brilliant new product idea is the first aspect. The second is about how you present it to those who might be interested to get involved.

The FDA’s Digital Health Innovation Action Plan and Cybersecurity for Digital Healthcare

November 27th, 2017|

The number one issue for aging consumers is the lack of privacy related to sensitive medical information and other data that wearables like Fitbits and heart monitors bring without proper oversight. This is part of the reason for the FDA’s Digital Health Innovation Action Plan (DHIAP), which is meant to speed up the evaluation process for digital health technologies and allow the FDA to better focus on high-risk products.

Protecting Big Data from Cyberattacks

November 24th, 2017|

We are seeing an unprecedented increase in data breaches across organizations in both private and public sectors. The most recent cyber attack on Equifax, one of the major credit rating agencies, is equally alarming and frightening to millions of customers. Public or private data is no longer safe anymore.

5 Ways to Innovate Your Company’s Cash Flow

November 22nd, 2017|

Good cash flow is essential to any business, no matter the size or sector, and we know that to maintain a healthy bank balance, it is important that cash outflow is smaller than cash inflow. Balancing is just one part of the equation, however - let's take a look at a few ways to innovate your company's cash flow.

What are Circular Business Models (CBM)?

November 16th, 2017|

Shortly, the demands and needs of approximately nine billion people will be about three times the current resources. At this time challenges will accelerate for the deficiencies of resources and enormous production of waste. Circular Business Models (CBM) is the solution for not only improving resource management and decreasing waste production but also reducing costs and expanding firm performance.