Jeneanne Rae is the CEO of Motiv Strategies and an internationally recognized thought leader on innovation management and design strategy.  She was hailed as one of BusinessWeek’s “Magnificent Seven Gurus of Innovation” in its cover story on the creative corporation.  After receiving an MBA from Harvard Business School, Rae spent 20 years mastering the art and science of innovation through senior management positions at Peer Insight and IDEO.  For 10 years, she taught new product and service development as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business.  She currently teaches executive education through various top-ranked programs.  Rae can be contacted at



Growing B2B Services: 3 Trends to Act Upon Now

What does it take for companies to market new, innovative capabilities as a service? The challenge to expand beyond products is daunting, but as market exemplars show, the returns on the investment can be worth it. The case studies explored in this article illustrate the extent to which services demand a premium in the market, drive differentiation from the competition, and build loyalty.

Book Review: Relentless Innovation

In his new book Relentless Innovation, prolific innovation author Jeffrey Phillips looks at innovation from an enterprise-level perspective, encouraging companies to adopt an innovation capability that can be scaled and repeated throughout the firm, rather than attempt the one-off innovation initiatives that are common to big businesses today.

2019-10-15T15:09:14-07:00December 14th, 2011|Categories: Book Review|Tags: |