How Can Enterprises Think and Execute Like a Startup?

Around the world and across industries, enterprises are facing tremendous market upheaval. Transformation and disruption were the new normal well before the pandemic, but the coronavirus crisis accelerated certain trends toward innovation and digitization and led to the fundamental rewiring of old business models.

7 Psychological Facts That Help Understand Customers Better

Psychology is not only about human emotions. Understanding their behavior, nature, and finding out the behavioral patterns is the ultimate goal of psychological studies. And the best practices of psychology can drive sales for business too.

Collaboration and Co-creation: Incentives Are Important

Customer collaboration and co-creation rests on a few key assumptions; that customers are passionate about the collaboration objective(s), and are willing and able to offer their time and creativity. Notice the deliberate usage of the word “offer,” not donate or contribute. Why? Why should customers offer their time and creativity? And what do they get in return? We know how the company or organization inviting collaboration benefits. But how do the collaborators benefit; what’s in it for them?