7 Modern Trends That Are Innovating Traditional Workplaces

The workplace of today little resembles the cubicles of yesteryear. More people telecommute and enjoy flextime options. Rather than a traditional top-down structure, many companies embrace a more democratic arrangement.

Why Coworking Is A Solution For Increased Productivity

Coworking is the newest trend in both freelance and mainstream working. It is a form of office setting that allows people to work together within a common space, but not necessarily on the same project. The workers are primarily independent of each other, but they can always consult, inspire, and motivate each other when the need arises. But does this have any positive impact on productivity?

Do Open-Concept Offices Promote Innovation?

Do open-concept offices live up to their hype when it comes to encouraging innovation and collaboration? Or do they hinder productivity by sacrificing privacy - and in some cases, comfort? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons.