What Innovation Looks Like at an Energy Company

When you’re turning on your fan or firing up your laptop to get some work done, you probably don’t spend much time thinking about where that power comes from. But all of that thinking comes to the forefront of your mind when there are massive disruptions to that system.

How Companies Can Pursue a More Circular Economy

There are studies that say the world will run out of oil within 55 years. All the while, aquatic creatures are suffering at the hands of plastic pollution every day. On top of that, our collective contribution to the greenhouse effect is sending us underwater as sea levels rise at unprecedented rates.

Tech That Could Change Your Life

It's sometimes crazy to think that a simple gadget can completely alter someone's life. However, you only need to consider the smartphone to realize just how effectively that can happen. Before smartphones, people needed all of their tech services on their computer which was usually stationary in their homes.

The 5 Most Innovative Renewable Energy Sources

As our population grows and we use more natural resources than ever, the issue of renewable energy sources becomes ever more pressing. Innovation isn’t only important in the business world, it’s also crucial for ensuring the future of our planet.