Shanta R Yapa counts over 30 years of experience in engineering, banking and service sector firms. He is a visiting faculty member teaching business strategy, technology and innovation in postgraduate programs of 16 local and international universities. He is a certified innovation manager. He serves in several boards and committees of industry associations, policy authorities and academic institutions. Email:; LinkedIn & FB: Shanta Rajapaksha Yapa.


TASC: A Practitioner’s Tool for Better Results in Open Innovation

Despite its popularity as a way to promote innovations, organizations face challenges in their open innovation (OI) initiatives. As knowledge flows are vital for the success of OI initiatives, organizations should identify right partners in their open innovation implementations. This article suggests TASC as a tool that can be used by practitioners for better results.

Innovation Simplified

Organizations rely on innovations to sustain competitiveness. Managers often talk about innovations. Some use it as an ornament. Perhaps innovation is the mostly abused word by organizations and practicing managers. There are dozens of definitions for the word innovation.

Leap Innovation: a Strategy to Get Ahead and Stay Relevant

The importance of innovation for organizations to remain competitive is widely discussed and well accepted by scholars and practicing managers. However, failures in innovation attempts are quite common and raise many questions. Why do firms with innovative products fail? Does market acceptance of innovations alone guarantee continuous success? Is it innovation strategy that can ensure long-term prosperity? One can argue that it is not only how to innovate that matters, but also where, what and when to innovate that make the difference.

Innovation Tautogram — A Simple and Powerful Innovation Tool

The human vocabulary with millions of words is adequate to explain all of our expectations and experiences, even those which are imagined. Why not harness the power of language to discover new products and services? Author Shanta R Yapa shares the Innovation Tautogram technique, which can be used as an individual or a group exercise.