PMO is not a Dirty Word

Many product organizations have some type of Project Management Office (PMO), even if they refer to it by a different name. The PMO is a critical component to a successful product delivery, yet it often carries a reputation for being heavy-handed policy enforcers. When focused on the right things, the PMO plays a pivotal role in driving innovation process excellence and ensuring profitability.

It’s Midnight. Do You Know Where Your Projects Are?

Product innovation shouldn’t be scary. But if you don’t know where projects are throughout the development process, those projects could be as good as gone. This article considers how the level of visibility organizations have into a product as it progresses through the full commercialization process directly relates to its success. What steps can organizations take to expand their field of vision into product lifecycles and how can having a single source of truth be the light in the darkness?

Mind the Gap! 5 Tips on How to Align Your Boss’ Perception of Innovation Maturity with Reality

The Fourth Product Portfolio Management Benchmark Study identified challenges organizations face in speeding innovation to bring products to market. The biggest disconnect appears between middle management and executives as to where the organization is with their innovation maturity. Bridging this gap may be the most important thing you do to improve ROI.

Maturing Innovation Management One Step at a Time

The fall conference season is winding down and this year I've had the privilege of attending and speaking at some great innovation events, sharing the newly launched Innovation Management Maturity Model™. From regional PDMA meetings in Dallas and Atlanta, to the national PDMA PIM conference, the Optimizing Innovation conference in NYC, to the Planview Horizons Annual Customer Conference, it's been a brain-filling couple of months.

The Innovation Management Maturity Model: How Do You Stack Up?

You might talk the talk of innovation. But do you walk the walk? Or, more realistically, are you doing some herky-jerky semblance of a walk that’s not getting you very far?

Managing Information, People and IT to Improve Business Performance

How can companies acquire greater maturity in the use of information? Ground-breaking research reveals some answers. Following an ambitious program of “field” research – involving more than 1200 managers in more than 100 companies across 26 economic sectors and 40 countries – we at IMD have scientifically demonstrated a causal link between a company’s performance and its maturity with regard to its “information orientation” (IO)