Hanging Gardens of Metropolis

Cities have long attempted to bring the rural into the urban, whether the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or Singapore’s new Gardens by the Bay, but urban agriculture is increasing with green roofs and other forms of urban farming as the population of cities continues to expand. Based largely on the theories of Dickson Despommier, architects have been designing the ultimate in city-based agribusiness, vertical farms inside of high rise buildings which some have dubbed plantscrapers.

Boosting Innovation by Integrating a Gender Perspective

Why does gender diversity matter when it comes to product and service innovation? What has research shown? And what does hard-won experience tell us? This article shows how businesses gain a competitive edge by integrating a gender perspective into their innovation work – a much needed boost as global competition becomes increasingly tough.

Spark Centres Advancing Innovation

A while ago the IT service vendor Logica opened a centre focused on innovation at its office in Nacka Strand, Stockholm. The centre, called Spark Innovation Centre, is one component in Logica’s work on innovation management and this centre in particular focuses on the area of what is called the Next Generation Workplace.

What We Can Learn From MIT – It’s All About Impact not Income

MIT has an incredible reputation, is an amazing brand, and is connected to numerous tech transfer successes. It is true that the system in the US is very different to that in Sweden: The laws are different, there is more money available in most parts of the US system, the domestic market is larger and the culture is very different. However, this is not say that Sweden cannot learn from the example of MIT, and apply whatever is feasible.

Taking Swedish Technology Transfer to a Higher Level

Throughout Europe, the number of individuals working professionally with knowledge and technology transfer is growing. However, in Sweden tech transfer professionals are not yet recognized as a profession. This is something that the new Swedish Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer Support, SNITTS, intends to change. SNITTS, a nonprofit organization, offers a platform for technology transfer professionals to share experiences and improve competence.

2019-10-15T15:05:46-07:00November 29th, 2009|Categories: Blog Archive, Interview|Tags: , , , , , |