Innovation strategy: How to Ask Effective Questions

As someone with an interest in innovation, you know the importance of asking questions and listening to answers. However, when it comes to innovation, some kinds of questions are better than others. Jeffrey Baumgartner looks at various types of questions and why they are good - or why they stink.

5 techniques for tapping team creativity

Everyone has heard of "writers block," but what happens when creative blocks impede individual efforts and innovation work in organizations? Many of the strategies that apply to individuals can also be applied to group and organizational situations. Here are five ways that Geoff Brennan recommends to harness creativity and break your team's creative blocks.

2021-11-29T14:25:36-08:00April 7th, 2009|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , |

Rapid Prototyping Technologies Enhance Innovation Opportunities

Rapid prototyping technologies enable innovative companies to quickly and inexpensively develop rough prototypes of new products and components - which can help them to nurture an innovative design through multiple iterations and bring the final product to market faster. As such, it represents a potentially potent innovation edge.