Karin has a Bachelor’s degree in media & communication. Karin has worked with information and communication in different roles, for example as editor, writer and communications manager. Her assignments have also included leading a major innovation project.



Is Denmark a Lead User of User Driven Innovation?

You might think so since the world’s first government sponsored user driven innovation program is to be found in Denmark. The program aims to strengthen the diffusion of methods for user driven innovation and to contribute to increased growth in the participating companies. It also aims to increase user satisfaction and/or increased efficiency in participating public institutions. Søren Tegen Pedersen is the Deputy Director at the administrative authority of the program.

Meeting of innovative minds

Henry Chesbrough, the father of open innovation, was one of the key note speakers when more than 500 innovative minds met on a European innovation conference in Lund, Sweden. InnovationManagemenet.se asked him and some of the other participants a few questions.

100.000 Heads are Better than One

InnovationManagement.se got an exclusive interview with Ben du Pont, co-founder and president of Yet2.com, one of the world’s first open innovation platforms. Read more about Ben´s thoughts about open innovation and how companies can benefit from it.

Time to Challenge the Patent Portfolio

Many companies pay substantial yearly fees in order to protect their patents. But what business benefit do these patents really generate?

Henry Chesbrough About the Future of Open Innovation

Henry Chesbrough is known as the father of Open innovation. InnovationManagement.se asked him about the concept and how companies can benefit from working with Open innovation.